
Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Freudian Slip at Florida International University?

FIA in April 2024

-Panther Now

Hat tip Campus Reform and Israel War Room. (I don't know if the latter site is part of the Israeli government or not. It is obviously pro-Israel.)

”In every single protest that we have, our actions have had counter-protesters, and there is never any backlash and never police protecting us. In fact, our police are directly protecting counter-protesters even at our events,” the woman said. “So I want to ask you all, is Palestinian life not worth mourning? And we as Arabs, Palestinian, Muslim, and anti-Jewish students, are we not worth protecting?”

On February 5, the student government senate at Florida International University was debating a cease-fire resolution over the Israeli war in Gaza (It failed.)  One speaker, a young Muslim woman in hijab, spoke and was captured on video making what can only be described as a Freudian slip. She described herself and her cohorts as "anti-Jewish".

How often do we hear the pro-Palestinian protesters insist that they are not anti-Jewish, just anti-Zionist? It is a lie, and in my opinion, the lie was inadvertently exposed at Florida International University on February 5. These protests are supporting Hamas. They describe the October 7 massacres as "justified resistance". Hamas itself is anti-Jewish, as stated in their own charter where they call for other destruction not only of the Jewish state but the Jews as well.

The other lie she spoke was in complaining how police protect counter-protesters and not the 'Arab, Palestinian, Muslim, anti-Jewish" protesters. I am fully aware of the incident at UCLA recently when that encampment was attacked by people from outside the university and there was a long, long delay in an effective police response. I do not condone that incident. That aside,  however, it is the counter-protesters who need protection,. It is the Jewish students and Israel supporters who need protection. All too often, they have failed to receive it on campuses across the nation. It is the pro-Israel events that always get disrupted by the friends and colleagues of this woman at FIU. It is her own protests and demonstrations that are all too often disruptive, unruly, or violent. Pro-Israel demonstrators hold their events peacefully and according to rules laid down by the university.

Can we say the same for Students in Justice in Palestine? No. They routinely use tactics of disruption and intimidation. They are pro-Hamas-and they are anti-Jewish. I don't know if the speaker in question is a member of SJP, but they obviously travel in the same circles.

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