
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

UC Faculty Letter to UC Regents re: Campus Anti-Semitism

I am cross-posting a letter to the University of California Regents from a group of current and past UC faculty. The letter particularly focuses on the activity of the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) Department at UC Santa Cruz and their anti-Israel activism in the wake of the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas. The letter can be accessed here. The letter complains that CRES is misusing the university's name and resources to push its anti-Zionist agenda. It further invites UC faculty, current or emeritus to sign the letter.

A perusal of the UCSC/CRES website gives you a clue as to what kind of "academic" enterprise they are.

The letter was sent to me by a UC professor involved in the letter. I have signed the letter even though I do not exactly meet the criteria of current or emeritus faculty. (I taught part-time at the UC Irvine  Extension from 1998-2016.) Anyway, if that doesn't qualify me to sign, they can strike my name from the letter.

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