
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

France: Pakistanis and Turks Celebrate Christmas in Limoges-One Dead

Limoges at Christmas time

Not everybody celebrates Christmas in France, as we all know, but this Christmas Day, a group of young Pakistanis and Turks decided to exchange Christmas gifts in their own way. It appears that 6-7 Pakistani teenagers attacked a group of Turkish teenagers in downtown Limoges on December 25.  One 16-year-old from the latter group was stabbed to death in the melee. Now French police have 5 Pakistani teenagers in custody charged with voluntary homicide.

The below article from France Bleu is translated by Fousesquawk.

Limoges: A young adolescent Turk (16) stabbed to death in the middle of town on Christmas Eve.

A tragedy on Monday at the end of the day in Limoges. A 16-year-old adolescent, of Turkish nationality, was stabbed to death in the middle of  Limoges. An investigation for voluntary homicide has been opened. Five persons, Pakistani minors, have been placed in custody.

Caption: An investigation has been opened and the Judicial Police assigned.

A young man of 16, nationality Turk, and living in an educational and social support home for minors in Isle, was stabbed to death Monday, 25 December in the late afternoon in downtown Limoges, on rue (street) Amphitheater, between Winston Churchill Square and Orsay Garden. According to a source close to the investigation, a group of 4 persons, Turkish minors, including the victim, were attacked by a gang of 6-7 persons at Winston Churchill Square.

According to the same source, the 16-year-old youth, struck by two knife blows in the back, collapsed a few meters further on along rue Amphitheater, where passersby saw him and called emergency personnel. He was treated (at the scene) around 5 pm Monday evening and then transported to CHU (Central University Hospital) of Limoges where he died an hour later from his wounds.

Several people in custody

The use of video surveillance cameras confirmed that there was a fight between two groups before they separated and fled in two opposite directions. The Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC) subsequently arrested 5 Pakistani minors, of no fixed abode, in the same sector, who corresponded to the individuals from the videosurveillance images. They were taken into custody Monday evening. No knife was found in their possession.

An investigation has been opened by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Limoges for voluntary homicide, and the Interdepartmental Directorate of the National Police (DIPN), formerly the Judicial Police, has been assigned.  

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