
Friday, November 24, 2023

Netherlands: Hamas Supporters Protest Wilders/PVV Victory in Election

Dam Square, Amsterdam
-NL Times

Predictably, the victory of Geert Wilders and his PVV party has sent the Woke mob into the streets to protest along with the pro-Hamas supporters. The conservative news outlet, Dagelijkse Standaard, opines that these demonstrations will only increase the power of Wilders. The below article is translated by Fousesquawk.

The Dutch people are clearly fed up. Hopefully, the rest of Europe (and the US) will follow their lead.

Movie! Crazy left extremists demonstrate against election results: "And from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"

Politics November 24, 08:00

Yesterday evening, opponents of the PVV took to the street to demonstrate against the election result. They think it's terrible that Geert Wilders' party has won the elections. And so they demand that "something" be done. They carried Palestine flags and chanted over and over,  "From the river to the  sea, Palestine will be free." Ironic because just that sort of demonstration made a large contribution to Wilders' historical election victory.

This sort of image is why countless Dutch people (2 million or so?) voted for Geert Wilders in last Tuesday's elections. What you see there are radical demonstrators-foreigners and natives- who took to the street to demonstrate against the PVV, against the democratic judgment of the voters.... while they also chanted slogans that, according to many Dutch people, mean that they are supporters of a new genocide of Jews, this time in Israel itself.

How retarded can you be? How totally insane? Not only because you think what happens abroad seems more important than what happens in the Netherlands (where are the Dutch flags, you bunch of self-haters?), but also because what they literally do and shout is precisely the cause of Wilders' rise. They thus ensure that he doesn't become smaller. No, he just becomes more popular. Because the Dutch people are completely fed up with this sort of craziness. 

This was also illustrated by the opinion of Maartje Steunenberg, who writes on X: "I'm embarrassed by the community where I live! A call for the destruction of Jews. Next to the Jewish monument in Alkmaar." Because, yes, they went there en masse on the street and with a large number of Palestinian flags. 


And no, last night it wasn't only Palestine demonstrators who demonstrated against Wilders. From other images recorded in Utrecht, it turns out that many creamy- white Woke-crazies took to the street. These total idiots stood proudly waving rainbow flags and chanted, "Solidarity, solidarity, solidarity!" with each other.

Solidarity? With whom? The last 13 years there has been a lot of solidarity with all kinds of fortune-seekers from far and wide, but for the Dutch themselves there has been absolutely no solidarity. The Dutch have suffered en masse. Our groceries have become unaffordable. We cannot find housing. We must look on while entire neighborhoods and towns change into Little Arabias.

At the Dagelijkse Standaard, we know that the last elections were the most important elections ever. We are fighting for a good continuation. The Netherlands must be saved. If we don't push through now, it will go wrong forever. Do you also think so? Support us then! Donate to DDS and help us make a stand against the leftist crazies who want to push our country farther into the abyss!
So this sort of left-wing weirdos take to the street with rainbow flags et al and demand that the democratic election result be overturned. Because they want to be Woke and feel threatened by Dutch people who think that adults should be able to do what they want as long as they leave the children alone.
The Palestinian demonstrators and the Woke-crazies together have made Wilders big....and now they are ensuring that still more Dutch people will throw their heads back. If they think that with these kinds of demonstrations, they will make sure that the PVV is kept out of the government, they are seriously mistaken.

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