
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Sweden Deals With the Islamic Terror Threat

Both Sweden and Denmark are under heightened threat alerts from Islamic terrorists over the  Koran-burning issue. Sweden, in particular, is trying to figure out what to do. They have been trying feverishly to placate Turkey in order to gain NATO membership, and because of the Koran burnings and other desecrations, the threat of terror attacks in those two countries is real.

In the below article from Det Fria Sverige, Dan Eriksson addresses the situation in Sweden and places the blame right where it belongs-on Swedish politicians who have allowed hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the country. Eriksson correctly points out that the threat of a terror attack is not coming from Hindus, Catholics, or any other group besides Muslims. It's the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.

Eriksson is spot on. It's not just Sweden, but the political leadership of virtually every other Western European country, in addition to Canada and the US under Biden. This is criminal negligence that borders on treason. Every day in Europe, innocent people are being robbed, raped, or murdered by people who should have never been allowed in the country in the first place. And the wave is not stopping. We have translated several articles from Swedish showing how the Muslim Brotherhood has become entrenched in Sweden, as well as virtually every other Western European country. 

Now Britain has issued a travel advisory for Sweden to its citizens. My prediction is that a deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Sweden will, indeed, occur. I pray I am wrong.

Eriksson's article is translated from Swedish by Fousesquawk.

The increased Muslim terror threat is the politicians' fault

Written by Dan Eriksson, August 14, 2023. The chairman has the floor.

The security situation in Sweden is worse than it has been in a long time, and the Muslim terror threat hangs over Sweden. This is a direct result of the politicians' betrayal, says Det Fria Sverige's chairman, Dan Eriksson.

Great Britain has changed its travel advisory to Sweden in the past days. It writes that tourists should, among others, "observe a high degree of vigilance in public areas", and warns that "an attack can be indiscriminate and happen in places often visited by tourists." At the same time, Foreign Minister  Gunnar Strömmer confirms that we find ourselves in a "more serious security situation than 6 months ago."

Everywhere people are talking about "the risk for an act of terror", but why doesn't anyone say it clearly? It is not Hindus, Catholics, or Pastafaris whom we are worried about carrying out an act of terror on Swedish soil. It is Muslims. And that is a direct result of the fact that for almost 50 years, Sweden's politicians have left our borders wide open and encouraged and financed Islam's establishment in our land.

A direct result of policies pursued

 The Muslim terror threat against Sweden would have been minimized or even nonexistent if we had not allowed this foreign religion to gain a foothold in our country. If we had only learned from other countries where Islam was allowed to establish itself, we would have understood that the consequences will always be conflict, terror, and death. Many of us warned, but politicians had decided. Sweden would no longer be Swedish! Most Swedes were never informed about the monumental changes politicians were pushing through in our country, and the media completely concealed the problem.

But it isn't enough that politicians allow Islam to establish itself in our country; they have also shown submission in recent years. Instead of standing straight for Swedish freedom of speech and basic Western values, they have vacillated and searched for ways to adapt our country even more to Islam. That type of weakness is like inviting even more threats, extortion, and acts of terror. Sweden's politicians have proven that you can be intimidated into obedience.

Where such neglect leads to in the long term is taken up in a pedagogical manner by Det Fria Sverige's board member, Magnus Söderman in the latest episode of the At the Fireside podcast.

Now that we see an increased Muslim threat against Sweden, we must, thus, be clear that this is a direct result of treacherous politicians. Red, green, or blue is (irrelevant)- they have all together pushed our country to the abyss and actively worked so that we Swedes would become a minority in our own land.

What is our responsibility?

Politicians must be held responsible, but at the same time, we free Swedes-we who realize what is happening and where it goes- cannot forget our own responsibility to ensure a Swedish future. It is up to us to organize ourselves and create an alternative social structure that can stand against Muslim expansion and politicians' madness.

Nobody has said it is a simple task, but we in Det Fria Sverige have overcome many obstacles along the way, where we find ourselves here today. Obstacles that others say would be impossible, but where we put our heads down and work hard to succeed in our goal.

Now the work continues at a more intensive pace to create areas, networks, and possibilities for the coming generations of Swedes to be able to live in a safe, Swedish society.

Make your contribution, support Det Fria Sverige financially, and/or get engaged as a member of the association.


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