
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Netherlands: Anti-Semitic Websites

Hat tip Dagelijkse Standaard. Translation by Fousesquawk.

In the Netherlands, a report has just been released to Parliament on Internet anti-Semitic sites in that country. The findings reveal that he leading anti-Semitic websites in the Netherlands are those that are written for the Turkish and Moroccan communities.
-Tim Engelbart, July 7, 2020

Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch websites are packed with anti-Semitism. "Tacking it is more necessary than ever!"

Anti-Semitism on Dutch websites is beginning to spill out, reports anti-Semitism watchdog CIDI today with the release of a new report on Internet anti-Semitism. The websites with the most anti-Semitic utterances are and, discovered the group in collaboration with the investigative bureau, Kantar.

Tackling online anti-Semitism is more "necessary than ever". So says the CIDI, which has long monitored anti-Semitism in the Netherlands. This conclusion is drawn after the publication of a report (pdf) by the investigative bureau Kantar into the extent of Jew hatred on the Internet in 2019.

On as many as 286 Dutch websites anti-Semitic utterances are found, which vary from remarks that the September 11 attacks were allegedly carried out by Zionists, to Frans Timmerman being a puppet of the Jews, to the "Jewish lobby", which is allegedly behind all kinds of sinister developments. Anti-Semitism is also rampant on Twitter and CIDI and Kantar found some 750 tweets in which Jews were attacked because of their origin.

Remarkably enough, the websites that stand out as to the extent of anti-Semitism are often aimed at  Dutch with a migration background. On the Internet pages  that have a lot of "incidental anti-Semitism", the tops the list. Aside from some consumer websites, can also be found in the top ten- this site calls itself, the "virtual house of Turkey".

On the other hand, "structural anti-Semitism" is practiced on the web pages of Moroccan-Dutch origin. ("the oldest online forum for Moroccans in the Netherlands and Flanders") contained no less than 85 anti-Semitic utterances, followed by forums.marokko ("'the largest Moroccan web community in the world") where Jew hatred showed up 53 times.

In addition to the websites aimed at migrant communities, there are also some notorious conspiracy theorists, such as Martin Vrijland, Nine for News, and Stan van Houcke.

The CIDI believes that it is all the more reason to tackle this kind of utterances on the Internet. "Much of the most disgusting anti-Semitic content that  we found is still on the Internet." However, the watchdog is positive about the future. "CIDI expresses the hope that the National Coordinator for Combating Anti-Semitism, launched last week by the Second Chamber (Parliament), will work on this with CIDI and the judiciary."

Chart below:

Which pages are they?

Below is a breakdown of the websites where incidental anti-Semitism appears and websites where structural anti-Semitism appears. In the left diagram stands atop with 10 reports. In the right diagram, the website stands atop with 85 reports in which structural anti-Semitism appears. In second place is with 53 reports. Anti-Semitism appears more often on these websites, and generally speaking, has less the tone of reporting, rather more of traditional anti-Semitism.

Headings left to right:

Top 10 websites with incidental anti-Semitism-  Top ten websites with structural anti-Semitism 

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