
Sunday, August 26, 2018

A French Muslim Responds to Brigitte Bardot on Halal Ritual Slaughter

Hat tip Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes and Ava Lon

If you can get through the utter incomprehensible rambling of this young fool, I defy you to find the justification behind the rambling justification for the cruel and inhumane halal slaughter of animals under Islamic tradition. In this video, this fool challenges  legendary French actress Brigitte Bardot, who is a noted animal rights activist in France.

First of all, if done properly, an animal is first rendered unconscious with a stun gun before being slaughtered. How that makes it inedible, according to this guy, is beyond me. Stunning, however, is not good enough to satisfy halal. The animal actually has to bleed out before it dies.

I also note that according to this young man, the animal actually gives up its throat to the butcher as if grateful for the honor of being made halal. What nonsense.

And to criticize halal slaughter is hardly racist  as he claims.  Islam is not a race. It is a belief system. There are Muslims of virtually every race.

I realize there is debate about the difference between halal slaughter and kosher slaughter as well as the overall effectiveness of stunning. Suffice to say, as a dedicated meat eater, I believe that the animal should be killed in a humane and painless manner.

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