
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Jerry's Folly

California governor, "Run-down" Jerry Brown, had a  dream. He dreamt one day, he would build a bullet train crossing his state from north to south. He didn't listen to the people who said it would cost too much. Estimates be damned, he said. He didn't listen as time went by and the cost estimates rose by tens of billions, hundreds of billions, thousands of billions, millions of billions and billions of billions. He had a dream.

                                                                                              "I have a dream!"

Brown  moved ahead, defying all the experts. Construction began, of all places in the central valley. Today, construction is on-going between Fresno, Bakersfield, and Bullsnuts Junction, which is expected to be completed in 2025. What a boon that will be to the good denizens of those locales. They won't have to put up with all those massive traffic jams.

But now comes more bad news. Initial cost estimates, were, alas, too low. The LA Times has the depressing details.

But as you can see from the article, Jerry and his stooge Brian Kelly are not deterred. They are pressing ahead. What's a few more billion (just to complete the Fresno-Bakersfield-Bullnuts Junction portion?

In my opinion, this bullet train should run from west to east to accommodate all the sensible people (and their businesses) leaving California for saner pastures. After all, they cannot get out fast enough.

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