Add Kenya to the countries with a Somali problem.Last year Somalis carried out the infamous massacre at a Nairobi mall. Some of the killers were from the US. Now a coastal Kenyan town has been attacked with almost 50 dead. Guess who was spared. Muslims and Somali speakers.
That's not all. US Marines are now stationed on the roof of the American embassy in Nairobi with binoculars. Looking for Somalis no doubt.
Meanwhile in his bunker in Rancho Mirage, our commander in chief is weighing his options in Iraq, which up to now have consisted on calling on the Maliki regime to form a government of unity.
and linking up with our closest ally, Iran, to fight the Sunnis of the ISIS.
"Say what????"
That was my reaction too.
But there is good news. A no-fly zone was declared this weekend-for Orange County during Obama's visit.
The world is spinning out of control and our Commander in Chief is GOLFING!
George Bush never played another round of golf as president while the Iraq war was going on. That is class that the community organizer we now have as president will never possess or even be able to comprehend.
What did Churchill say after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union?
George Bush never played another round of golf as president while the Iraq war was going on.
Never in five-six years? You have any evidence of that Miggie? You have a long record of telling tales that are easily disproven, and this one strains credulity.
I believe that is a fact. Bush has either stated it or written it.
"Without announcing it, Bush stopped playing golf in the summer of 2003. He made the decision, he explained in a later interview with Politico and Yahoo News, after a particularly devastating bombing in Iraq, which he learned about while on the course.
"I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf," Bush said. "I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
In all, Bush played 24 rounds during his time in the White House. Obama has played more than SEVEN TIMES that many – so far."
Learn how to Google.... you ignoramus!
Google turns up the most interesting angles. Bush didn't mention it until 2008, and then:
"Actually, it is far more likely that Bush quit playing golf because he was suffering from knee problems throughout the latter half of 2003."
"Bush, 57, will have an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test on Thursday, Dec. 18. The body-scanning device enables doctors to see internal organs in 3D.
The MRI is being performed on the advice of the President's regular White House physician. Last summer, Bush suffered a minor muscle tear in his right calf and that injury, along with aching knees, forced him to abandon his running routine. The calf strain healed by August when he had his annual physical, but the president said in September that he suspected he had a meniscus tear."
"Bush actually played his last round of golf on October 13, 2003. This means that the reason he gave for quitting after the August 2003 U.N. bombing is dubious at best..."
Ah, but presidents never lie, do they?
Anyway, anyone look up what Churchill said when Hitler invaded the USSR?
Two traits that liberals reflexively imploy:
First, they attempt to deny the massage by demeaning the messenger without even making an effort to determine if it might be true.
Second, they change the subject and try to find all other possibilities, alterior motives, assumptions, and times Republicans have done similar things.
It is so predictable and frankly, boring. They can't address the issues directly so they smear, demean, detract, and more recently a new tactic by Obama to create a new crises. We have had crises after crises so the early ones are " old news."
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