
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kerry in Egypt Defending Muslim Brotherhood

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

Has someone explained to John Kerry that his latest trip to the Middle East was supposed to be to "solve" the crisis in Iraq? Instead he shows up in Cairo where he plays defense attorney for the Muslim Brotherhood.

"We do not share the view of the Egyptian government about links between the Muslim Brothers and terrorist groups like ISIS [the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq]," an aide to Kerry said. "[Egyptian leaders] need to include, and find ways to reach out to, the Muslim Brothers. ... With regard to the challenge that the Muslim Brothers pose, I would characterize it more as a political challenge than a security challenge."

As Gil Hodges used to say when arguing with umpires, "Horsefeathers". Someone should show Kerry that explanatory memorandum the FBI seized and introduced into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007. Mind you, that document does not date back to the days of Hasan al Banna or Sayyid Qutb in the 1920s or so, but 1991. It is a letter addressed to the "North American Brothers" and outlined the MB's design for destroying the West. If Kerry needs any further evidence, all he needs to do is examine the MB track record when they were ruling Egyopt under Mohammed Morsi. All he needs to do is talk to the Coptic Christians who continue to suffer at the hands of Morsi's followers even after he was overthrown.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella organization that spawned Hamas and al Qaeda not to mention US-based organizations that are masquerading as mainstream moderates. Aymin al Zawahiri, an Egyptian, the number one leader of Al Qaeda since bin Laden's death, came out of the Brotherhood. Yusuf al Qaradawi, also an Egyptian, with all his proclamations of hate against Jews and infidels, is the spiritual mentor of the Brotherhood.

But John Kerry, just like Jim Clapper, John Brennan and Barack Obama, have all decided that the Brotherhood is harmless, non-violent, and secular.


Squid said...

The idea that the Muslim Brotherhood is secular, moderate and not a threat to the U.S. is pure fantasy and I agree that it is fantasy. The individuals you name in the last line of your blog have all been caught in lies and they are the main characters in Obama's security counsel (OMG). What they put forth, is propaganda like the propaganda posited in the recent past, to the Germans. Obama and his minions are all propaganda mongers. It is fitting to leave the quote here:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." ~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Or maybe those you mention have decided that one half of the Egyptian electorate cannot be written off as politically irrelevant. They have to be engaged because they are part of the demography of Egypt -- sort of like, I can't pretend NOBODY in Wisconsin likes Scott Walker, and Walker makes himself much less effectual than he might be, pretending that he embodies "Wisconsin values."

There were individuals in the younger generation of the MB who were moving toward accommodation to a secular constitution, but you can bet their opportunity to advance that position (or motivation to do so) is now zero.

Sisi doesn't care about the MB, about constitutional democracy, about religious pluralism... he has cleverly brought the Egyptian military establishment through a period of turmoil, keeping it dominant, and he will step on anyone who either gets in his way, or whom it might be politically useful to step on. A clever man Sisi, not unlike that Goebbels whom Squid quotes.

Miggie said...

The Muslim Brotherhood and all Muslims, in fact, know they have a friend in Barack Obama. He declared it in his first major foreign policy speech in Cairo and has been consistent ever since. His administration is riddled with Muslims andMuslim sympathizers and it is very dangerous for the rest of us.

Ah well, he has a tee time at a good course and that is most important to him.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, President Obama certainly tried to extend the hand of friendship. Some appreciated it some didn't. The ones who didn't were the ones who said before the election "We have to prefer than McCain wins." You can't keep up the ideology of jihad without a good villain in the White House.