
Friday, May 23, 2014

When on a New York Subway, Be on the Lookout

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs and Creeping Sharia

(The one on the right is as yet unidentified.)

Riding a New York subway is disagreeable enough without having to look at pictures of these mopes plastered on the walls, but it serves a great educational purpose. It goes to show just what kind of despicable organization CAIR is. I mean how many "legal" organizations can boast so many convicted terrorists?

So be forewarned: You may see one of these characters on a NY subway wall. If you see one in person, do not approach, but notify the police immediately.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I mean how many "legal" organizations can boast so many convicted terrorists?

Well, if the British army had had more competent and determined leadership, I can list a number of people who would have hanged for "terrorism," starting with John and Samuel Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin... instead they have beers and banks named for them.

It may well be that these guys from Hamas were justly convicted of substantive crimes... but your presentation doesn't do the prosecution much credit.

By the was, NYC has a great subway system. You love the Cubs, why do you knock the A, 4, 5, 6, 1, E and R lines?

Squid said...

@ Siarlys,

Siarlys, the actions and behavior of John and Samuel Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin does not fit the current definition of "terrorism". These great men and forefathers of our Nation, were revolutionaries, not terrorists. Although, the British soldiers and officers where known to use terrorist actions to scare the young Patriots.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Squid, the difference between a respected revolutionary and a despicable terrorist can come down to who won the war, or, who emigrated half their population to a land where they could extoll their terrorists openly without fear of reprisal.

George Washington probably never led anyone in tarring and feathering, breaking into private residences, driving people across the border with nothing but the clothes on their backs... but the Sons of Liberty did. Killed a few in the process too.

And, as we now know in retrospect, George Bush's terrorists were Ronald Reagan's freedom fighters.