
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CNN - You Call This Journalism?

"Jack has mail!"

Yesterday, I was killing a couple of hours in my hotel room in Las Vegas and catching up on the news. Fox must have been doing the weather because for some strange reason, I turned it onto CNN for a while. There was the hapless Wolf Blitzer, seemingly lost and confused in "The Situation Room", as usual. I also had a chance to watch Rick Sanchez and Jack Cafferty doing what they do best; reading e-mails from people who hate George Bush. What kind of talent does that take? We know all they have to do is read a teleprompter, but reading emails on air? Where do I sign up for that job? If these two jokers were hot lookin' babes, they'd be flipping name cards on some game show.

Cafferty, who can't put two sentences together without slamming Bush, spent 10 seconds making some inane comment on the Blagoyevich scandal then shifted right over to reading a bunch of e-mails from people in places like Bulls Nuts, Wyoming- all weighing in on the most important news story of the day- some Iraqi guy throwing his shoes at George Bush. According to Jack's co-respondants-all Bush haters, this had far-reaching implications for American foreign policy- Arabs don't like us.

Of course, no one bothered to point out that had this Iraqi guy thrown his shoes at Saddam Hussein, he would have been put into a tree shredder within 15 minutes. As it is, authorities are still trying to decide if they will charge him or not. That, of course, never occurred to Cactus Jack, who takes a 2nd seat only to Krazy Keith Olbermann in his hatred of George Bush.

Is it any wonder that people are getting their news from Fox or the Internet? Sean Hannity is right; the news media officially died in the 2008 election.



Anonymous said...

Blitzer, Cafferty, Sanchez, and Olbermann are NOT journalists. They are partisan commentators. And guess what? So are Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh et al! It's like you're reading the opinion section of the newspaper and complaining about the poor reporting. None of these people are supposed to be reporters in the first place! You're just choosing which sort of bias you want your talking heads to have. Nothing more. This has nothing to do with actual reporting or journalism.

Gary Fouse said...

It's all a facet of journalism. O'Reilly used to be a war correspondent. Sanchez does a little anchoring of a sort on CNN. Yet, everything he reports on slants in the usual direction.