
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Will There Be a Fairness Doctrine Now?

"It's time for Rush Limbaugh, Honey."

"Shhh-not too loud. The neighbors might hear"

Now that the Democrats are in firm control of Washington, there are rumblings that they plan to re-institute the so-called "Fairness Doctrine", which would dictate that all radio talk shows provide opposing points of view. Since talk radio (often called "hate radio" by its critics), is dominated by conservatives, it it is a prime target for liberals. Note that there is no call for a "Fairness Doctrine" which would apply to newspapers or TV news networks, which are dominated by liberals and have become de facto wings of the Democratic Party.

I have written before on the Fairness Doctrine, so there is no need to repeat my arguments here. I would add, however, that the practical effect of such a regulation would lead most radio stations to do away with political talk shows altogether and switch to a different format, like say country music, rather than put up with the hassles. A Fairness Doctrine would in effect be the death knell of conservative talk radio. It would not make much difference to liberals since they have not been able to achieve any measure of success in talk radio. People aren't listening.

When I wrote the above-referenced post, I sent it directly to Rep Henry Waxman's office since he is one of those who believed to be in favor of the Fairness Doctrine, and since he is the current Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In short, he is the guy who would lead the charge.

The post, which was sent to Waxman's office can be found here:

I subsequently received a letter from Waxman dated 10-24-07, which reads as follows:

"Dear Mr Fouse,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me about rumors you have heard that the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which I chair, is investigating conservative and Republican talk radio hosts. The news story that began this rumor was fictitious and I welcome the opportunity to clear up any confusion that this story caused.

On October 8, 2007, The American Spectator printed a fictitious story alleging that the Oversight Committee was investigating talk show radio programs. This report is completely false and was written without any documentation or attribution. There is not now nor has there ever been any investigation of this subject.

I believe that The American Spectator should retract its report and apologize for the confusion this fictitious report has caused. If you share my concern about false reporting, you may contact The American Spectator at (703) 807-2011 to register your views.

To learn more about the investigations that are currently being conducted by the Oversight Committee, please visit

Again, thank you for contacting me and I hope you will continue to keep in touch on issues of concern,

With kind regards, I am


Henry A Waxman
Member of Congress"

Waxman, as you can see in his letter, denied allegations that he was going to investigate talk radio hosts, an issue which I had also raised. He did not address, however, a point I also raised about rumors he was tasking the FCC into reconsidering the Fairness Doctrine.

So the question begs; are the Democrats, flush with power, now prepared to go after talk radio with the so-called, "Fairness Doctrine"? I say it's time to make a fresh inquiry with Rep Waxman, so I will send this to his office this weekend.


Lance Christian Johnson said...

This doesn't prove anything one way or the other, but I only seem to hear conservatives mention the fairness doctrine. If liberals are talking about it, they're not talking about it as much.

I will say though that it sounds pretty stupid. I would definitely not be for it.

Part of me wishes that there was some more accountability on the media's part to be more vehement fact-checkers, but I can't imagine how that would ever be enforced.

Gary Fouse said...

No one should be in favor of this-even if you are a liberal who believes in free speech and the marketplace of ideas. We have no objection to liberal talk shows. I am not aware of any conservatives demanding equal time on Air America.

Gary Fouse said...


I suggest you check out the latest on Fairness Doctrine below:

What do you think?

Maggie Thornton said...

These people never say what they mean, but when our Senators and Representatives SAY they want the Doctrine, we should not doubt them.

knowitall said...

The mainstream media illuminati do not factcheck anything. Or when they do, they've already taken the story and escalated it.