
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Article by Shelby Steele

As I frequently do, I am posting an article by the National Black Republican Association-specifically an essay by Shelby Steele on Barack Obama and white guilt. Steele, whom I consider one of the most brilliant thinkers in America, gives a thought-provoking perspective on the election of Barack Obama and what it means for African-Americans and racial relations in America. The article was published by the LA Times.


White Guilt Emancipation Declaration

We, black American citizens of the United States of America and of the National Black Republican Association, do hereby declare that our fellow white American citizens are now, henceforth and forever more free of White Guilt.

This freedom from White Guilt was duly earned by the election of Barack Hussein Obama, a black man, to be our president by a majority of white Americans based solely on the color of his skin.

Freedom is not free, and we trust that the price paid for this freedom from White Guilt is worth the sacrifice, since Obama is a socialist who does not share the values of average Americans and will use the office of the presidency to turn America into a failed socialist nation.

Granted this November 4, 2008 - the day Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the first black president and the first socialist president of the United States of America.


Los Angeles Times
Obama's post-racial promise
Barack Obama seduced whites with a vision of their racial innocence precisely to coerce them into acting out of a racial motivation.

November 5, 2008

By Shelby Steele

For the first time in human history, a largely white nation has elected a black man to be its paramount leader. And the cultural meaning of this unprecedented convergence of dark skin and ultimate power will likely become -- at least for a time -- a national obsession. In fact, the Obama presidency will always be read as an allegory. Already we are as curious about the cultural significance of his victory as we are about its political significance.

Does his victory mean that America is now officially beyond racism? Does it finally complete the work of the civil rights movement so that racism is at last dismissible as an explanation of black difficulty? Can the good Revs. Jackson and Sharpton now safely retire to the seashore? Will the Obama victory dispel the twin stigmas that have tormented black and white Americans for so long -- that blacks are inherently inferior and whites inherently racist? Doesn't a black in the Oval Office put the lie to both black inferiority and white racism? Doesn't it imply a "post-racial" America? And shouldn't those of us -- white and black -- who did not vote for Mr. Obama take pride in what his victory says about our culture even as we mourn our political loss?

Answering no to such questions is like saying no to any idealism; it seems callow. How could a decent person not hope for all these possibilities, or not give America credit for electing its first black president? And yet an element of Barack Obama's success was always his use of the idealism implied in these questions as political muscle. His talent was to project an idealized vision of a post-racial America -- and then to have that vision define political decency. Thus, a failure to support Obama politically implied a failure of decency.

Obama's special charisma -- since his famous 2004 convention speech -- always came much more from the racial idealism he embodied than from his political ideas. In fact, this was his only true political originality. On the level of public policy, he was quite unremarkable. His economics were the redistributive axioms of old-fashioned Keynesianism; his social thought was recycled Great Society. But all this policy boilerplate was freshened up -- given an air of "change" -- by the dreamy post-racial and post-ideological kitsch he dressed it in.

This worked politically for Obama because it tapped into a deep longing in American life -- the longing on the part of whites to escape the stigma of racism. In running for the presidency -- and presenting himself to a majority white nation -- Obama knew intuitively that he was dealing with a stigmatized people. He knew whites were stigmatized as being prejudiced, and that they hated this situation and literally longed for ways to disprove the stigma.

Obama is what I have called a "bargainer" -- a black who says to whites, "I will never presume that you are racist if you will not hold my race against me." Whites become enthralled with bargainers out of gratitude for the presumption of innocence they offer. Bargainers relieve their anxiety about being white and, for this gift of trust, bargainers are often rewarded with a kind of halo.

Obama's post-racial idealism told whites the one thing they most wanted to hear: America had essentially contained the evil of racism to the point at which it was no longer a serious barrier to black advancement. Thus, whites became enchanted enough with Obama to become his political base. It was Iowa -- 95% white -- that made him a contender. Blacks came his way only after he won enough white voters to be a plausible candidate.

Of course, it is true that white America has made great progress in curbing racism over the last 40 years. I believe, for example, that Colin Powell might well have been elected president in 1996 had he run against a then rather weak Bill Clinton. It is exactly because America has made such dramatic racial progress that whites today chafe so under the racist stigma. So I don't think whites really want change from Obama as much as they want documentation of change that has already occurred. They want him in the White House first of all as evidence, certification and recognition.

But there is an inherent contradiction in all this. When whites -- especially today's younger generation -- proudly support Obama for his post-racialism, they unwittingly embrace race as their primary motivation. They think and act racially, not post-racially. The point is that a post-racial society is a bargainer's ploy: It seduces whites with a vision of their racial innocence precisely to coerce them into acting out of a racial motivation. A real post-racialist could not be bargained with and would not care about displaying or documenting his racial innocence. Such a person would evaluate Obama politically rather than culturally.

Certainly things other than bargaining account for Obama's victory. He was a talented campaigner. He was reassuringly articulate on many issues -- a quality that Americans now long for in a president. And, in these last weeks, he was clearly pushed over the top by the economic terrors that beset the nation. But it was the peculiar cultural manipulation of racial bargaining that brought him to the political dance. It inflated him as a candidate, and it may well inflate him as a president.

There is nothing to suggest that Obama will lead America into true post-racialism. His campaign style revealed a tweaker of the status quo, not a revolutionary. Culturally and racially, he is likely to leave America pretty much where he found her.

But what about black Americans? Won't an Obama presidency at last lead us across a centuries-old gulf of alienation into the recognition that America really is our country? Might this milestone not infuse black America with a new American nationalism? And wouldn't this be revolutionary in itself? Like most Americans, I would love to see an Obama presidency nudge things in this direction. But the larger reality is the profound disparity between black and white Americans that will persist even under the glow of an Obama presidency. The black illegitimacy rate remains at 70%. Blacks did worse on the SAT in 2000 than in 1990. Fifty-five percent of all federal prisoners are black, though we are only 13% of the population. The academic achievement gap between blacks and whites persists even for the black middle class. All this disparity will continue to accuse blacks of inferiority and whites of racism -- thus refueling our racial politics -- despite the level of melanin in the president's skin.

The torture of racial conflict in America periodically spits up a new faith that idealism can help us "overcome" -- America's favorite racial word. If we can just have the right inspiration, a heroic role model, a symbolism of hope, a new sense of possibility. It is an American cultural habit to endure our racial tensions by periodically alighting on little islands of fresh hope and idealism. But true reform, like the civil rights victories of the '60s, never happens until people become exhausted with their suffering. Then they don't care who the president is.

Presidents follow the culture; they don't lead it. I hope for a competent president.

Shelby Steele is an author, columnist and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Please check here for more information about the National Black Republican Association


Lance Christian Johnson said...

Okay, I just had a large, home-made IPA, so I hope that I won't regret this later:

This message was so stupid that it made my head hurt. I couldn't even finish reading it. If Obama is a socialist, then why aren't the socialists supporting him? You know, this is just another one of those "conservative" mantras that just keeps getting repeated ad nauseum without anybody even realizing what they're saying. It ranks as only slightly more ignorant than "activist judges".

And I'm sick of hearing about how Obama won because of "white guilt". That's stupid. I wrote about this in my own blog. If people really can't see any reason other than "white guilt" for Obama's election, then they're racists. And yes, it's possible to be racist against your own race.

And if I hear that stupid "freedom isn't free" cliche one more time, I might just vomit lava.

Gary Fouse said...


Who do you disagree with, the NBRA or Shelby Steele.

Well, maybe not white guilt, but possibly an intense desire by whites to put the racial divide behind us. Will Obama's election do that? I don't think so, unfortunately.

Gary Fouse said...


Who do you disagree with, the NBRA or Shelby Steele.

Well, maybe not white guilt, but possibly an intense desire by whites to put the racial divide behind us. Will Obama's election do that? I don't think so, unfortunately.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Okay, I looked at it again, and the article isn't as bad as I thought it was. I'm just tired of the whole "Obama is a socialist" thing and the "he won because of white guilt" thing. That's what I was reacting to - and I realize now that the article is a little more nuanced than that.

So, it was those two things that I was objecting to.

Gary Fouse said...

Must have been the IPA.

Lance Christian Johnson said... hydrometer broke, but the last time I made it, it clocked in at 7.1%. I think that this one might be even slightly more potent.

Anonymous said...


I think you are correct about the majority of whites wanting racism to be behind us. After all the civil rights movement started before I was even born.
I have never known racism personally but I do feel that groups like the NAACP use racism as a crutch or excuss for failure.
The election of Obama confirms that anyone anywhere can become whatever they strongly enough desire. It gives everyone, not only blacks hope for personal success.
I have read articles that suggested an Obama loss would have been because of racism. Like I said, a crutch.

Gary Fouse said...


I could not have said it better than you. Thank you for input.

Gary Fouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mnotaro said...

Black people set their own limitations...White people aren't always the ones holding AA people are always thinking they can't do it, woe is me, I can't do it, white people won't let us...blah blah blah...get up off your butts like the rest of us and know you can achieve anything you want...we are going to have an AA in the White House...if that doesn't say to you that you can do anything you want in this country, I don't know what else to say to you. Maybe we can finally put the word racism to rest now...or will the liberal illuminati never let that happen?

Gary Fouse said...


If the thoughts of people like Steele, Larry Elder, Michael Steele, Thomas Sewell and others ever carry the day in black America then things will get much better for all of us.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Maybe we can finally put the word racism to rest now

Yes, racism is completely nonexistent. That's why some in-laws of mine referred to Obama as a "nigger". (Distant in-laws, thankfully - my mother and father in law aren't like that.)

Come on - just because we've made progress, that doesn't mean that racism is over. That's just ignorant.

Gary Fouse said...


I agree with you that there is still racism-on all sides. But when you look at all the problems that face black America today, white racism is near the bottom of the list.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

I agree with you that there is still racism-on all sides. But when you look at all the problems that face black America today, white racism is near the bottom of the list.

I'm not so sure that I'd put it the same way as you. I remember when I used to work at a grocery store (to be fair, this was more than fifteen years ago) every time a black guy came in to shop, my white managers would tell me to "keep your eyes on that black guy."

Is every place like the South during Jim Crow? No. Have we made amazing strides? Yes. Are we where we should be? No.

As for racism on both sides, while I think that racism is bad no matter who is perpretrating it, it's still not the same thing when it's black-on-white racism. White people still hold the power in this society. If some black guy calls me a honky it doesn't have the same impact as me calling a black guy by the n-word.

Gary Fouse said...


I agree with you to a point. As for the guy in the store, I don't know. I come from law enforecment so I pretty much know if someone is a bad actor or not. In other words, I don't look at every young black male coming down the street as a threat. Some whites can't tell the difference.

On the other hand, I don't go cruising the bars in Oakland either for a reason. And that is an issue that whites have a right to express concern about when the day comes that we have that big "conversation on race" everybody talks about.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Gary, I know that YOU don't do that sort of a thing, but I know too many white people who do. The assumption amongst many of the managers (and a lot of other white coworkers) was that any given black person was in there to steal something.

Gary Fouse said...


If you are saying that many whites still have certain perceptions about black criminality, I guess you are correct. It is unfortunate and not fair to law-abiding blacks (the majority). It's also not fair that Colombian travelers into the US get a secondary search at Customs. Unfortunately, the majority often have to pay for the sins of the minority.