
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Stanford Caves to the Mob

Hat tip Campus Reform

Stanford Administration Building

The pro-Hamas sympathizers at Stanford have held a 120-day-long sit-in on the campus. Rather than remove the little rascals, Stanford administrators demonstrated the usual academic cowardice and agreed to 4 unspecified demands with the mob. Campus Reform has the report.

You call this leadership? Who is in charge at Stanford, the administration or a tiny minority of the students and outside agitators? Here is how a university should be run.

This is how Stanford should have responded to these "demands":


Anonymous said...

Since your "Fousesquawk University" post was a spoof, can you please enlighten me on how you actually think a university should be run?

Gary Fouse said...

What spoof?,

Anonymous said...

Here's a copy/paste of one of your comments:

Blogger Gary Fouse said...
Have we not gone over this before? Besides, lighten up man, it was written as a spoof.

February 14, 2009 at 4:35 PM

So, if it was written as a "spoof", how do you really think that schools should be run? I'm literally using your words.

Gary Fouse said...


You are truly amazing, no sense of humor, no sense of sarcasm, no sense of irony. You must be fun in a bar.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you that I'm laughing quite a bit at this. I've even shared it with some friends who laughed too.

Let's recap:

Gary Fouse: Writes a blog post (which may or not be a spoof, he can't seem to decide) about how schools should be run.

Commenter 1: Critiques post, as it sounds like an argument for fascism.

Gary Fouse: Insists that it's a spoof and should not be taken seriously.

Commenter 2: Asks what Fouse really thinks, since the original post was a "spoof" (see above).

Gary Fouse: What spoof?

Commenter 2: Copy/pastes Fouse's declaration that the original post was a spoof.

Gary Fouse: You have no sense of humor.

This is hilarious, but not for the reason you think. Come on, Fouse. Was the original post a spoof or not? And if so, what are you spoofing?

You think that I'm the guy who doesn't laugh at a joke, but what's happening is you're the guy who doesn't know how to tell one and then throws a hissy fit when people don't laugh.

Gary Fouse said...

I’m sure you and all your like minded pals at whatever university you are hanging out at are having a real belly laugh. Why don’t you establish a new academic department- Critical Fousesquawk Studies. Of course nobody will know who the dean is- He or she or they will be Anonymous.

You suffer from Fousesquawk Derangement Syndrome. Why else would you spend so much time and energy obsessing about me?

Anonymous said...

Critical Fousesquawk Studies. I like the sound of that. The first lesson will be Schroedinger's Spoof - where a piece of writing is neither serious nor a spoof until Fouse needs it to be one or the other, depending on what he needs his thoughts to be at any given moment.

Giving an actual definition of a spoof or demonstrating comprehension of the concept will end with expulsion.

PS Writing these comments can be done in the time it takes me to pinch a loaf. You're more of a humorous distraction than a full on obsession, but continue to believe that's the case if it makes you feel important.

Gary Fouse said...

Given your history of long, drawn-out comments, I don't buy it. You should charge me rent for living in your head.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it takes you a long time to write, which is understandable considering how you can't seem to follow your own arguments. Mine flow pretty quickly, but maybe it's easier when I don't have to keep changing my narrative.

Tell you what. I won't charge you rent. You don't charge me for being the most interesting part of this blog of regressive talking points.

Gary Fouse said...

I should charge you for your comments. Tell you what; just click on the ads so I can get a few pennies from Adsense, and I won't charge you for wasting my time.