
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Eric Holder's Bio

Hat tip Squid and Discover the Networks

With Eric Holder back in the news this week with his announcement that he is finally resigning as attorney general, it might be a good idea to review his career as it is reported by Discover the Networks. In particular, pay close attention to his involvement in the pardons of Marc Rich and Puerto Rican terrorists during the Clinton administration.

Unfortunately, we may not have seen the last of Holder. There are rumors that Obama's gang is trying to get Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire from the Supreme Court so Obama can nominate Holder in the coming months. Hopefully, a Republican-majority Senate after November will put any hopes for that move to rest.

If I may offer my own nomination as an alternative.



Siarlys Jenkins said...

It was about time to release Lolita Lebrun. Way past time. Hey, these days, you could probably get a majority of Americans to cheer the notion of dispersing congress at gun point. Just poll the membership of the NRA.

Anywho, these folks are S-L-O-W. The time to dig up dirt is at the confirmation hearing, not after the resignation.

elwood p suggins said...

There is another rumor going around that Holder is taking a lot of Obama's heat with the understanding that Obama will pardon him before leaving office, or earlier if it becomes necessary, like Ford did with Nixon. Can't say I buy into it, but I can't discount it either, with this herd.