
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Czech President Blames Islam For Brussels Attack

Hat tip Prague Post and Atlas Shrugs

"However, I have heard of no movement calling for the massive murder of Arabs, but I know about an anti-civilization movement that calls for the massive murdering of Jews," he said.

 Miloš Zeman, the president of the Czech Republic, while speaking at the Israeli Embassy in Prague, laid the blame for the Brussels attacked that killed four people on Islam.

I am wondering if Mr Zeman is privy to some inside information since I am being more cautious and waiting until the killer is identified. 


Miggie said...

I think he put it precisely:

"Duka said anti-Semitism was dangerous not only for Jews but also for Christians and all people promoting tolerance and mutual friendship."

That latent anti-Semitism, that is 1/8 of an inch below the surface services, works ways that is excused as merely "anti-Israel." UCI's MSU was the first in leading that parade.

Gary Fouse said...

That's because it doesn't exist, my anonymous moron

Miggie said...

@Anonymous moron.

If Judea and Samaria and Gaza were such garden spots how come there is so immigration out of there? Ask your imam to explain how, from 1997 to 2007 under the PA, emigration levels more than doubled.
The overall average was 23,000 per year. Moreover, the numbers increased drastically beginning in 2005. The average (negative) net migration rate from 2005 to 2007 was almost 42,000 per year with steep increases every year.

If you don't want to ask him, look up the 2007 interview with the pan-Arab Ashang al Awsat newspaper with Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyed, He spoke of the the hemorrage of Palestinians exiting the Palestinian Authority.
"How will we be able to deal with the problem of 40,000
to 50,000 Palestinians who have emigrated and many more are not emigrating just because they don't have the means? We are losing in this respect."

Even in 2006 44% of young Palestinians would imigrate, given the opportunity. In Gaza the numbers are even higher.

Is this because the Zionists are "massively" murdering them or is it because they don't want to live with the atrocities associated with the corrupt Palesitnian kleptocracy? If you want to see the murder of hundreds of thousands of Muslims, look just to the north in Syria where their brother Muslims are muredering them there daily.