
Sunday, April 20, 2014

An Easter Message From Iran

What more fitting way for me to mark Easter than to post this Easter message from an
American pastor unjustly and cruelly imprisoned in Iran for the "crime" of being a Christian.

Saeed Abedini's life is in jeopardy, and in the middle of all this absurd negotiation wih Iran over their nuclear program, our diplomats, headed by John Kerry, cannot even bring themselves to arrange Pastor Saeed's release? How many times are we to tolerate this outlaw regime holding our citizens hostage when they have committed no crimes?

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

What is done in California is only a crime if it violates the laws of California (or the United States). What is done in Iran is only a crime if it violates the laws of Iran.

They may be bad laws, in my seldom humble opinion, but if they are the law of Iran, they are the law, in Iran.