The International Union of Teamsters and Warehouse Thieves has done what they do best; bully and intimidate. Here is the latest from Washington state.
I was going to ask if the Longies' union president Bob McEllrath had condemned the action, but it seems he has already been arrested. Maybe some of the other union bosses like Jimmy Hoffa and Richard Trumko will make statements condemning what happened.
Or maybe even Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.
Or maybe even President Obama.
Well, never mind. It was just a thought.
(I can't wait until my co-respondent, Siarlys, who is a union guy, comments on this latest example of union thuggery.)
Sounds like the Boston Tea Party to me Gary. Or the Seattle Tea Party perhaps? Its pretty tame compared to the San Francisco General Strike, and that was a great victory for freedom.
So tell me, you approve of a federal judge ORDERING people to go to work when they don't wish to? Sounds like blatant judicial activism to me.
I see it now... Hoffa and McElrath will organize The Real Tea Party, the movement sweeps the nation, the workers of the world finally take control of the means of production... and as certain bloggers post their last defiant remarks before they are dragged off to the guillotine... oh, how humiliating, they are left alone, ignored, and allowed to continue unimpaired because... its not really hurting anything, and the First Amendment is still in effect. Rick Santelli can keep broadcasting from the Board of Trade for all anyone will care.
Workers Unite! Put the capitalist bosses up against the wall!
We've heard these words before and know where it leads. Umion thuggery and violence is despicable. They just don't seem to realize that union tactics like this drive job creaters away. I happen to have been personally involved in a number of these decisions. We saw what the experience was of other employers in the area and if it was not a hospitible environment we moved on to some other place.
In think this money laundering scheme between the union bosses and the Democratic party politicians is coming to a close. Places with open shop right to work laws will flourish and the workers will wake up and see what leftists have done to them.
You don't know beans about where it leads Miggie. You've never been within a thousand miles of it. But so far, nobody has been put up against the wall. All that has suffered has been a few tons of grain, not unlike a few cases of tea...
"You don't know beans about where it leads Miggie. You've never been within a thousand miles of it."
Well, I have Siarlys. From 1970 to 1973, I worked for US Customs at the port of Terminal island. I remember when we had an operation busting longshoremen for stealing stuff off ships like rats. We would stop them as they left work and search their trunks and voila! (It wasa Customs area, so no search warrant was needed.) We even busted a port security cop who was assisting them.
A few weeks later, a bunch of longies spotted one of our agents at a shopping center and surrounded him as they intended to beat the crap out of him. When he pulled his gun, they ran like scared rats.
PS to Siarlys,
Are you going to condemn what happened in Washington state or not?
Does it sound like I'm going to condemn it? Have I been shy about responding to your original challenge? Do you also want me to condemn the San Francisco General Strike, the Eight Hour Day Movement, the Flint Sit-Down Strike, and the Boston Tea Party? How about the mob that unlawfully removed Joshua Glover from the custody of federal Marshals and spirited him away to Canada?
If you are investigating theft, well and good. When a man's livelihood is taken away to save a few pennies for some plutocrats, that's another matter. It wouldn't have been in your jurisdiction.
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