
Thursday, May 26, 2011

George Galloway Visits His Pals at Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Former British MP (and all-around kook) George Galloway may not have many friends these days, but the ones he has are doozies.  The Investigative Project on Terrorism has a report on his recent trip to Lebanon to meet with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

For all you UC Santa Cruz Communtiy Studies majors, the PIJ is a terrorist organization. Terrorists are about all George has for friends these days.

Well, at least George can enter Lebanon. Canada won't let him darken their territory. Egypt banned him, and he even had a problem getting into the US not so long ago. There is always Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and a few more hell-holes that are willing to let him in. Maybe the Brits bundled him off to Lebanon so he wouldn't do soemthing to embarrass President Obama on his state visit. (On second thought, who needs Galloway when you're Obama giving the toast at Buckingham Palace? But I digress.

In reality, Galloway is a pathetic joke of a man who has apparently lost his mind and thinks he is a modern-day Lawrence of Arabia. Every time he appears in public, he adds to the comedy that his life has become.


Squid said...

Good old George. He looks so appropriate in his little red leotard. Is that his girlfriend? With all of support of terrorists and Islamists, one wonders why George is not banned from the U.S. Oh, I guess Eric Holder is too busy investigating the CIA, which is the same group that made it possible to snuff UBL. Don't count on Hillary, she loves the "Spring".


Gary Fouse said...

Whatever happened to that old designation, "Undesireable alien". We need to dust it off.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

So what do you find in this pathetic creature that is worth commenting on? He is less significant than George Lincoln Rockwell.

Anonymous said...

Siarlys asked:

"So what do you find in this pathetic creature that is worth commenting on? He is less significant than George Lincoln Rockwell."

Georgie supports Islamofascist terrorist organizations. He's been accused of being a bagman for same.

Gary Fouse said...


Accused? I saw it myself at UCI in May 2009. The "bag" passed right across my lap.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

But he's such a pathetic fool -- let the bad guys have him. If Osama bin Laden had a few more like George, they would have crashed the planes into Baffin Island in 2001, or more likely, tripped over their own shoelaces trying to get out of their seats, and slit their own throats falling on the box cutters.

Doesn't anyone read Heinlein anymore? Kill the effective enemies, leave the clowns in place.

Gary Fouse said...

And let this boob deliver millions of doallrs to Hamas.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Where's he going to get them? Nobody lets him into their country any more.