The stealth jihadists in America have yet another program designed to advance the acceptance of shariah law in the US. It is called "Muslim Capitol Day". Initiated in 2009 in Florida and spreading to other states, it poses as a benign effort to help Muslims be exposed to their state capitols and legislators and to educate them as to how their state government works. It is also designed to advance the incremental acceptance of shariah principles within our state capitols. The head of this movement is one Ahmed Bedier, formerly head of CAIR in Tampa, a member of the Tampa-Hillsborough Human Rights Council, and a defender of convicted terrorist supporter Sami al Arian. Bedier runs this operation behind a benign-sounding organization called United Voices for America.
I have chosen a few articles to cross-post in order to illustrate what this effort is all about. First is an interview of Tom Trento, head of the Florida Security Council by New English Review Editor Jerry Gordon.
Below is a posting by the Florida Security Council Describing Muslim Capitol Day in Florida in 2009.
Below is a posting by Frontpage Magazine describing a violent incident at Muslim Capitol Day in Florida 2010.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism also has an entry on Bedier.
Here is the point: These people have the right to reach out to their elected representatives in government, be it federal, state, or local. The issue is that this is another attempt to advance the cause of Islam and shariah through our governments by posing as moderates. It is incumbent upon our elected representaives to be aware of who they are dealing with and what their true agenda is.
How so? NOTHING you have presented provides ANY evidence to support this conclusory remark. IF the various delegations not only show up, not only observe and learn, but also present petitions or other forms of advocacy, and if the explicit title or documented content of this advocacy advances Shariah as civil law, THEN, and then only, you might have a point.
It is incumbent upon our elected representaives (sic) to be aware of who they are dealing with and what their true agenda is.
That is true of EVERY citien (and noncitizen) our elected representatives have to deal with.
This post borders on paranoia. You are capable of better than this Gary.
I guess you didn't open the links, Siarlys.
And you criticize Malik Ali for being into conspiracy theories???*
*which he definitely is, I just find it hypocritical that you are the same
Do the research. Look into the background of the players.
Gary doesn't want to do his homework or make a case for what he wants us to believe. He is of the school that if he offers an off-the-cuff opinion, we should all do the work of looking it up to see if there is anything to it. God forbid he should have to make a case for what he advocates himself.
If he were a student turning in an essay for a class, and the assignment included presented five arguments to support his theme, he would list five web links, and be dumbfounded when the teacher gave him a D-
I have linked to experts on the subject. The fact that the bibliographies begin with http:// does not lesson that fact. Have you read the links?
Bibliographies come at the end of the essay Gary. You are expected to make your argument first. Then, if I doubt you have your facts straight, I will check the links. You haven't done your homework, so I have no reason to check the links, except that "Gary Fouse recommended this as a cool site."
Perhaps you should be teaching at UC-Santa Cruz, where standards are looser. How ever do you hold onto a job at UCI? OR do you hold your students to higher standards than you indulge in yourself?
I have written 3 historical books and I did the Bibliographies myself. I get that. This is ablog and an opinion-based one. As for what I do in the classroom-I teach English. My personal agenda never enters the classroom.
Well then don't complain Gary, when someone says "All you've posted is opinion, please show me some facts before I give your opinion credence."
You don't have to, but I don't have to bow to your unsubstantiated commentary, and its not my job to do your homework for you. When I'm being paid to edit one of your books, I will diligently check out all the web sites in your bibliography. I get that too, because I have gotten five articles back from editors with precisely that sort of final check on confirmation of sources this week.
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