
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anjem Choudary is Coming to the US to Protest at the White House?

Anjem Choudary-He's the mope with the microphone

This can't be true. Anjem Choudary, the vile radical leader of Islam4UK in Great Britain, the man who openly preaches that Islam will take over Britain, the US and the world is planning to come to the US with a couple of other odious reptiles and lead a demonstration in front of the White House?

If ever there was a man who should be denied a visa to enter US territory, it is Anjem Choudary. Yes, he is a British citizen, and yes, Brits don't need a visa to come to the US, but the US should still be able to deny him entry on some minor detail-like say- advocating the overthrow of our system of government.

If it turns out that our namby-pamby, politically-correct State Department lets these cretins into the country then it is up to the American people to show up at the White House and (peacefully) let him know how we feel about him and his agenda.

The template?  Yorba Linda-and yes that includes the chanters with the bullhorns. I didn't think it was appropriate at Yorba Linda, but for Choudary, nothing is too good.

"That's right."


Miggie said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama invited him into the White House to discuss how terrible the US was before he was elected.

If they only had the chance, the MSU at UCI would invite him to speak. They share the same world-view and have the same goals.

I wonder which Islamic country Choudary (or anyone else) would point to, showing where Sharia law works out so well.

Findalis said...

That is what I was thinking Miggie. Perhaps pass the pipe for this summit?

I guess if they start to riot Obama will immediately capitulate to all of their demands.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I am looking forward to seeing the video of Gary Fouse at the White House defending President Obama against the protests of this cretin. In the name of the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, and the Declaration of Independence...

Oh, and Findalis is passing a pipe? Has she taken up smoking the same stuff Miggie is indulging in?

Findalis said...

Passing a pipe instead of sitting down to a beer. It seems that Siarlys doesn't know or remember that Muslims do not drink.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

If I suggest Findalis is smoking something, it means I have forgotten that Muslims do not drink... a Jew smoking the equivalent of a Muslim drinking, or what? I looked carefully over my comment, and Miggie's, and yours, and saw nothing insinuating that Muslims drink. Most of them do of course, but depending on where they live, they may drink at home in private.