
Friday, October 8, 2010

Jerry Brown Aide Calls Meg Whitman a What?

Beware the live recorder. Here is "Run-Down" Jerry Brown talking on the phone with an aide on the topic of Meg Whitman, who the aide calls a "whore".

So much for "The Womens' Vote", Jerry.

I wonder what Gloria Allred will say about this? I got it! Gloria calls a press conference with a sobbing Meg Whitman standing next to her.


Squid, said...

Ex-Cailifornia Governor Brown has insulted his political rival by having a conversation where Meg Whiteman is called a "Whore". This potting-mouth behavior is the true level of disrespect that Brown has for those who compete against him. This behavior, I fear, will be the same for those Califirnians who oppose his policies. This sounds close to the Obama administration behavior towards those individuals and organizations that oppose him.


Gary Fouse said...

And where the women's groups? Where is Gloria Allred?

Findalis said...

Forget Allred, where is his Mother and the bar of soap? He is 72 years old and has a mouth like that?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

If I read Gary's account correctly, it was the AIDE who said it, not Jerry. Now if Jerry gave the aide a choice between resigning or have his mouth washed out with soap by Findalis, we'd have some great political theater.

Now in a metaphorical sense, Whitman may be playing the State of California for a whore. Would you elect me governor for $100 million? Why yes, I believe I would. Would you elect me governor for $10,000? Of course not, what kind of woman do you think I am? We already know what you are, Ms. California, now we are only haggling over the price.

Fortunately, California seems to have slightly better self-esteem than that, although not much better options.