
Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Messiah Can't Get His Message Across

"Everybody wants government health care!!"

Is it not interesting that the super-charismatic President Obama, the man who speaks so eloquently (when the tele-prompter doesn't break down), the one many thought was The Messiah Himself, can't articulate his health care plan to us? Between that press conference at the White House a few weeks ago and his three town hall meetings, the President has been unable to convince us that the government take-over of health care is a good idea.

It seems a distant memory when candidate Obama was speaking to the "people of the world" in Berlin and then using Mile High Stadium with props of phony columns to give his acceptance speech before tens of thousands of adoring followers. Since then, we have seen what happens when the tele-prompter breaks down. (It reminds me of the old American Bandstand lip-syncs when the record stuck and the singing star was left standing there repeating the lines.)

The fact of the matter is that in his press conference and his three staged, hand-picked audience town halls, Obama has been reduced to talking in long, convoluted monologues in answer to mostly friendly questions. They clarify nothing. He makes it look so confusing. (With a thousand pages of legalese, it is confusing.)

It is also noteworthy that as the poll numbers drop and anger rises over this government take-over, Obama is reduced to demonizing his enemies. First were the evil insurance companies-that he wants to drive out of business. Then there are those doctors who want to cure a cold by taking your tonsils out or cure a sprained ankle by amputating your leg-all for higher fees.

In addition, his minions in the Democratic Party and the media drone on and on about the "racist" thugs who are "disrupting" town hall meetings. Never mind that only two cases (that I am aware of) have featured physical violence (Tampa and St Louis), and both of those were committed by union goons who turned out to counter the nay-sayers. Has Obama at least defended those at the town hall meetings who have voiced dissent? Has he at least said that they are not "thugs or racists"? I don't think so. He has said that "they" are the ones who created the mess and "they should shut up and get out of the way". Perhaps, he was referring to the Republican politicians, but the remark came in the same breath as a reference to the protesters.

Speaking of union goons, the leaders of three unions, the SEIU, the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO have now come out with veiled threats against the "Blue Dog Democrats" who are holding off support. "They are making a mistake", says James Hoffa of the Teamsters. Presumably, he means to imply that the Teamsters and other unions will work against these Democrats' re-election. (Maybe he means their tires will be slashed, who knows?)

At the risk of digressing, while Obama stays totally focused on health care, he might want to pay a little more attention to foreign affairs. This week, he approved a $2 billion loan to Brazil for oil exploration! How about $2 billion for us to look for oil off our own shores? No, can't do that. We must protect the environment.

It also looks like he and his State Department, led by the "smartest woman in the world", Hillary Clinton, also failed to convince Scotland not to release the Pan Am 103 bomber, who flew back to the welcoming arms of Moammar Gaddafi today. Don't you think the American people have a right to know if this release is in any way connected to John McCain's visit to Libya last week or when, a few years ago, Gaddafi decided to be a good boy and turn over his own weapons of mass destruction? I do.

Instead, what we will see for the next weeks and maybe months will be more staged events where some little girl (daughter of Obama's campaign manager in some state, in fact) will get the chance to ask the President, "Mr President, who are those mean people outside with the mean signs?"

That, he will knock out of the park.


Findalis said...

Obama and the Democrats are counting on the voters to calm down their rage by next Nov.

In the past this might have been so, but not now. Too many people are just too fed up with Congress (especially) and the President, with the socialism they see forced upon them and the Hubris coming from their elected officials.

The Democrats will force this bill through, and then wait for the anger to die down.

I thing that on Nov. 3, 2010 the Democrats and the President will have a very rude awakening.

Anonymous said...

"The Messiah Can'r Get His Message Across"

Haha, ironic.

Gary Fouse said...


Yeah, yeah, wise guy. It's called a typo.

I think you still got MY message, didn't you?

Thanks anyway.

Linnea Hannigan said...

Amazing that a man with a direct line to God Himself, who just told us that WE (who's WE????) are "partners with God in life and death" (the sheer GALL, the NERVE of Obama..) that WE are bearing "false witness" - did God tell the Obamessaiah to pass that message on to us?

Truly, Obama is nothing more than the title he deserves "Teleprompter Jesus"...
He is pathetic, now pretending to be "friendly" and "one" with the Jews, while he screws Israel over....

What a pathetic Godless piece of work obama is. I've decided that he doesn't even deserve to have a capital letter on his name because he is no proper noun in my world.

Gary Fouse said...


Yes the woman used the term "Nazi" to refer to the health plan. She apparently also carried a pic of Obama with the Hitler mustache. But in the clips I saw, her tone was not insulting. She was asking a question. On the other hand, I read someplace that the ones carrying those pics were Lyndon Larouche followers, but I don't know.

I do not hate Obama nor do I even detest him. I hate his policies. (Hillary I do detest).

I try to be careful when making the Nazi analogy, but I still see this underlying thought that some life is inconvenient for lack of a better term. That is a slippery slope and can lead to bad things. As I said before, explain partial birth abortion to me. Also try to imagine a relationship between cost effectiveness and "useless eaters". Maybe then you can understand the concern many of us have.