Thursday, July 27, 2023

Sweden: The Koran Crisis Gets Worse

Today, Sweden's Koran crisis went from bad to worse. A politician from the conservative Sweden Democrats party, Richard Jomshof, tweeted some uncomplimentary things about Islam's prophet, Muhammed. This has led to calls for his resignation from leaders of the Social Democrat party.

Meanwhile, the Swedish Security Police (Säpo) warns that the terror threat against the country is rising.

The below article from today's SVT (Swedish State TV) is translated by Fousesquawk.

Social Democrats demand Jomshof's (Sweden Democrats) resignation

Social Democrats are demanding Sweden Democrat Richard Jomshof's' resignation as chairman of the Justice Committee

He "goes into direct polemic with the Muslim world," writes party leader Magdalena Andersson on Instagram.

The demand comes after a tweet that was posted Thursday morning where Jomshof tweeted about the Prophet Muhammed. He commented that the Muslim representatives want to see a broader dialogue due to the Koran crisis.

"I agree that we need a 'wider dialogue', a dialogue on how we democratize the Muslim world. Or why not a dialogue on Islam, this anti-democratic, violent, and misogynistic religion/ideology, founded by warlord, mass murderer, slave trader, and robber Muhammed?" he writes.

"We see that Richard Jomshof, as late as this morning, continues to send out hate propaganda against Islam. You cannot do that in this situation, then it becomes a security risk in the position that he has," says Social Democrats' foreign affairs spokesman, Morgan Johansson (S) to SVT (Swedish State TV).

He continues:

"This is so reckless that he cannot continue to serve after this. This hurts Sweden," he says.

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