Thursday, July 27, 2023

Sweden: Sweden Democrat Politician Stands His Ground

Earlier today, we reported on the remarks by Sweden Democrat politician, Richard Jomshof, which were critical of Muslim countries, and the Prophet of Islam, Muhammed, as well. In the below interview with Riks (news outlet), Jomshof refuses to back down. The article below in Samtiden is translated by Fousesquawk.

Both Samtiden and Riks are news outlets created by the Sweden Democrats.

Richard Jomshof: "We will not turn back"

Editorial staff  July 27, 2023

"This is a dangerous situation we find ourselves in. But in this situation, we will not remain silent, rather we will continue to stand up for what we believe." So says Richard Jomshof in a longer interview after Social Democrats' criticism against him for defending Swedish values in a crisis situation.

Threats against Sweden have increased. Islamists see Sweden as a priority target for terrorism. In this situation, Social Democrat leaders Morgan Johansson and Magdalena Andersson believe it was wrong for the chairman of the Justice Commission, Richard Jomshof, to defend Swedish values and condemn dictators.

Riks interviewed Richard Jomshof Thursday afternoon where he stood his ground.

"I don't think I expressed myself especially hard. I am quite correct. But there are always people who think that it has a polarizing effect when someone points out something that is seen as sensitive just now. But I don't agree. We have to be open and honest on what we think and where we stand," Jomshof answers accusations that it is wrong from a security/political perspective to direct criticism against Islam just now.

Dialogue gladly, but then let's talk about oppression in Muslim countries

"Here we have high-ranking Muslim representatives whose objective is to limit freedom of expression and democracy. And that is what I react to. I have no problem with dialogue, but instead of talking about how we should limit our democracy, we should talk about and (criticize) the Muslim world. There is a number of Muslim countries where people are oppressed and imprisoned because they have a certain sexual orientation or political point of view. Where women are of lesser value. That is what we should talk about instead."

"We will not turn back. On the contrary,.We should stand up for what we believe," says Jomshof. 

"In this kind of situation, we must stiffen our backs and stand up for our society."

Talk about what (kind of) country Sweden is

What should we do about upset feelings?

"We should try to explain, whether successfully or not, what Sweden is as a country. I would like to  claim that that is how it is done in Denmark and France.

"President Macron has been very clear against Islamists and rejected the concept of Islamophobia. And Denmark did not bow during the outrage against the Muhammed caricatures."

"I missed this clarity in Sweden," says Richard Jomshof.

See the entire interview in Riks.


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