Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Judge (Rightfully) Rejects Hunter Biden Plea Deal

 Stunning development today in Delaware, where a US District Court judge rejected the proposed plea deal for Hunter Biden. Those of us who described it as a sweetheart deal have been vindicated.

I cannot comment on all the particulars, but as a former DEA agent, I could see where some of the problems lie. What came out of today's hearing was that neither the prosecutors nor defense attorneys had done their homework. This was basically a sloppy arrangement. To be precise, there were disagreements on the terms of the deal. That itself is stunning since these things are supposed to be worked out in detail and in writing before being brought to a judge for the plea to take place.

Under questioning by the judge, Maryellen Noreika, it came out that there was no agreement on the possibility of any future charges against Hunter Biden, for example, the Foreign Agent Registration Act. The prosecutors told the judge that there was, indeed, the possibility of future charges. I myself am skeptical, but that would enable the government to continue refusing to comment on "matters under investigation". The defense, however, is looking to close the book on everything Biden was being investigated for. Was there a wink wink, nod nod between the two sides on this question that the government did not want to put into writing? I don't know.

In addition, FOX's Griff Jenkins reported today from outside the courthouse that the judge asked both sides if they could provide any precedence for the type of deal they were trying to make in court, any constitutional precedent. Neither side reportedly could answer. Does that not buttress the claim that Biden was being given a sweetheart deal because he is the son of the President?

Another conclusion we can draw from the judge's action today is that this rejection might not have happened had it not been for the recent testimony of the whistleblowers from the IRS and the FBI. Recent disclosures make it clear that this is a very serious matter-a conspiracy, in effect, which apparently reaches above Hunter Biden. It appears that President Biden's previous denials of any involvement-even conversations with his son and his business- are simply not true. The recently disclosed FBI report in which a very trusted source told of a meeting in Kiev with the CEO of Burisma and being told that he (the CEO) had tape-recorded phone calls and texts with both Joe and Hunter Biden relative to getting the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma fired. Of course, if those records exist, they would be crucial to confirm the informant's claim.

And there is more to come. On Monday, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's former business partner and former co-member of the Burisma Board of Directors, is scheduled to come and testify to Congress. He is expected to tell Congress that Joe Biden was present during various business meetings with his son and was, in effect, involved in using his position as vice president at the time to help his son. Hopefully, there will be a lot of corroboration for whatever he says.

It's way too soon to take a victory lap, but kudos to Judge Noreika and kudos to the aforementioned whistleblowers. Shame on those in the media and in government that insisted that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation". Shame on those who blasted the whistleblowers. And shame on those Democrats in Congress who impeached President Trump simply for asking the president of Ukraine to look into this whole sordid mess.

And a note to the mainstream media. Get off your duffs; there is big news out there to report.

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