Monday, July 24, 2023

Job Vacancies at Stanford

Hat tip The College Fix

Once upon a time, Stanford University was considered one of our elite academic institutions. In recent years, however, the university has suffered a number of embarrassing black eyes.  On this site, we have written often about Professor David Palumbo-Liu and his crusade to get the genuinely prestigious Hoover Institution booted off campus. That is because...well,   the Hoover Institution is conservative. Can't have that. When not crusading against the Hoover Institution, Palumbo-Liu is on the anti-Israel circuit.

More recently, however, Stanford was embarrassed when a conservative federal judge came to speak and he was disrupted by Stanford's little rascals, er students. The Stanford Law School DEI ( that's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, for all you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies and History of Consciousness majors) associate dean, Tirien Steinbach, embarrassed herself and Stanford by dressing down the speaker and, in effect, egging on the disrupters.


Now, we finally learn that Steinbach is no longer employed at Stanford. She is "leaving her post for another opportunity".

So that's one job that is now open at Stanford. If DEI is not your thing, however, you can aim higher. That's because the president of Stanford, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, is resigning after some flaws were found in his past research.

Oh, I forgot: No previous experience necessary.

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