Sunday, July 23, 2023

A Final Warning for France?

Hat tip Resistance Republicaine and Le Dialogue (France). Translation by Fousesquawk.

I am cross-posting an article by Driss Ghali, a French citizen of Moroccan and Muslim origin.  In the wake of the horrific riots in France earlier this month, Ghali writes that assimilation has failed and France faces some difficult decisions for the very future of its country and civilization. The article initially appeared in Le Dialogue, and was cross-posted by Resistance Republicaine, which regularly features contributions from Ghali.

Riots in France: It's the last warning

23 July 2023   Christine Tasin

Caption: French anti-riot police stand guard next to a trash can set on fire during a protest against police in Marseille in the south of France, on July 1, 2023, after a 4th consecutive night of riots in France following the killing of an adolescent by police. The French police have arrested 1,311 persons throughout the country over the course of 4 consecutive nights of riots after the killing of an adolescent by police, the Interior Ministry announced on July 1, 2023. Violence surrounding the death of Nahel, 17, killed during a routine check in a Parisian suburb on 27 June 2023. Photo: Clement Mahoudeau/AFP.

Below is a new contribution from Driss Ghali, whom we regularly re-post in our columns. Born in Morocco to Muslim parents, he regularly denounces the Western naivete to Islam, whether by Americans or French.

Driss Ghali

The urban riots following the death of the young Nahel probably constitute the last warning before the rupture of civil peace in France. A rupture that can take the form of civil war or an outright and clear separation between the territories in the hands of France and others under the influence of communities of foreign origin. 

Police stations and Gendarme barracks attacked, city halls set on fire, the particular residence of a mayor attacked in the middle of the night, so many insurrectionist acts, for which only a leader, an organization, and a manifest are missing.

The thugs who terrorized France for a week have no leader nor organization. But they have a claim, in the absence of a manifest on glossy paper: They cry their hate for France. They attack its symbols with a relentlessness that underlines their primary motivation: To say to France that they are not French and they will never become French.

If there is a single lesson to be learned from the traumatic episode that just happened is that assimilation has not worked. The overturned vehicles and the broken windows cry out the absolute failure of a "Republican dream", that consisted of making millions of Arabs and Africans into French in one or two generations. As if by "spontaneous generation".

This failure is a narcissistic wound for France on two levels. She is no longer seductive or seductive enough to convert foreigners to her civilization. She is no longer able to understand human nature because she has seen in immigrants bodies and not souls. The bodies can be subjected to work or even seduced by social benefits, but the soul, she doesn't want to hear about symbols and spirituality. France today is unfortunately a land devasted on the symbolic and spiritual level: the factories of symbols that were the churches are deserted, and nobody believes in anything anymore.

In addition, the soul of the immigrants, even those living in France for 40 years, is moving away from France. It is seeking its nourishment somewhere else, and this somewhere else is often the Meghreb, in Africa, and a little bit in the US. Thus, it is sufficient to open your eyes when you traverse Paris to see it, the number of immigrants and children of immigrants who take refuge in Islamic clothes, at the same time, mixed with Nike tennis shoes and Airpods that (promote) Beyonce. Islam and America, two powerful rejections of French civilization. 

Has the political class understood the message?

The recent declarations by members of the government and by the president himself indicate not. The opposition from the so-called patriotic right questions immigration and judicial laxness. The extreme left opposition still evokes poverty and inequality.

Of course, we must stop mass immigration. Of course, we must take strong measures against the thugs. But that will not suffice. We must prepare to live with a population that does not want and cannot assimilate. The Republic is broken, it has on each side two peoples: the French people and the immigrant people. Within the French people, we find a number of assimilated immigrants. But within the foreign people, we also find some native-born French assimilated in this ort that diaspora.

No one wants to admit it, but we do not govern two different peoples as we govern a sole and unique homogenous people, sure of its total possession of its territory.

An empire is different from a republic.

A new political era begins as the new France emerges.

Sooner or later, the principle of equality will snap because it is impossible to decree that a foreigner is equal to a French citizen. But France accepts hundreds of thousands of foreigners, their customs, their values, and French passports.

It is essential that the French people maintain supremacy, and that demands a total re-do of the social pact.

A number of painful changes will be necessary. They will end up by liquidating the Republic as it was forged in 1789.

It is well understood that the political class will not budge. The changes will take place under the effect of urgency and catastrophe.

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