Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hijinks at UC San Diego Center Around Deadbeat Cafe named After Che Guevara

Hat tip Campus Reform

“The Che Cafe Collective doesn’t mourn, it organizes,” the event description reads.

Those who know a thing or two about history know that when Castro took over Cuba, Che Guevara (an Argentine, no less) was in charge of the kangaroo courts that executed hundreds of supporters of the ousted Batista regime. In fact, the "trials" barely lasted 5 minutes each as the "convicted" defendants were marched out the back door to the firing squad.

Those who don't know a thing or two about history today wear t-shirts with Che's face emblazoned across the front-or name cafes after him on the UC San Diego campus-cafes that fail to pay rent no less.

Of course, we all know that Che met his end in Bolivia where he was killed by Bolivian security forces-for failing to pay his rent or some such thing.


  1. Supporters of the Batista regime deserved execution about as much as if, you know, Gary Fouse had a chance to set up tribunals to judge the leadership of ISIS. The tribunals were quite popular. The defendants were guilty of rape, massive embezzlement, torture, murder... might have cut off a few heads, but all I know for sure is the eyes they gouged out.

  2. I would however agree that if they wanted their slogan to be "Don't Mourn, Organize," they should have named it the Joe Hill Cafe. The Che Guevara Cafe's slogan would be "Hasta la Victoria Siempre." Doesn't anyone study history any more?

  3. Che's slogan was "Hasta la pared" (To the wall.)
