Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Latest White House Insult Against Israel

Hat tip John Speedie for audio

If you still think the Obama administration "has Israel's back", read this latest flap.

At this point, any administration claims that the President is a friend of Israel are laughable. Equally laughable is the White House official's reference to a  recent visit to the White House by Netanyahu. Sorry, but we have seen those visits in the past. Remember the time Obama told Netanyahu to "come up with something better and let him know when he did" as he marched upstairs to dinner? Then there was the time, Bibi took Obama to task in front of the press corps as he schooled him on why Israel would never compromise on its security. Surely Obama never forgot that. Just this week, we learned that the Israeli defense minister was denied a White House visit during his trip to Washington. He couldn't even meet with Susan Rice!

No doubt, the White House does, in fact, view Netanyahu as "chickensh--". He insists on defending his own country. How
chickensh-- is that?


  1. Obama called Bibi a Chickens@@t Coward. When it comes to cowards, Obama is King of them!

  2. Bibi is no coward. He has defended his country in uniform. His brother was killed commanding the Entebbe raid. How much you want to bet the anonymous WH official has never worn the uniform of our country?

  3. Coward is certaintly the wrong adjective. Pig-headed, blind, morally unsupportable, might be more appropriate. One of the problems with the current era is people are awfully sloppy with their epithets. Words mean something. You can't just pull any old insult out of a hat and pin it on someone.
