Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hillary Clinton "Corrects the Record"

Hat tip Buzz Feed

A new political term has been born.


“I short-handed this point the other day, so let me be absolutely clear about what I’ve been saying for a couple of decades.”
“Our economy grows when businesses and entrepreneurs create good-paying jobs here in America and workers and families are empowered to build from the bottom up and the middle out — not when we hand out tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs or stash their profits overseas.”

That's what Hillary Clinton explained to an audience after several days of furor over her preposterous statement, "'Don't let anybody tell you that corporations and businesses create jobs."


Sorry, Hillaria. There is no walking this back. Your words were clear. This attempt at "clarification" doesn't hold water.


  1. Sounds to me like a uey or a complete 180.

  2. She should have stuck to her original statement. I was perfectly willing to defend it.
