Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Speaking of Hearts

Hat tip to Miggie

I am cross-posting an article from the Times of Israel, which draws a sharp contrast between what is happening in Syria and what is happening in Israel.


As my readers know, I have a link to One New Heart, a venture based in Jerusalem, in which Christian American missionaries are coordinating with Israeli doctors and hospitals to provide Palestinian and other Arab children with free  life-saving heart surgery to correct genital heart defects, which are present at a very high rate due to  close intermarriage within Arab families. One New Heart is affiliated with Save a Child's Heart, and I have highlighted many of their success stories. Here is a link to their current sponsored child.


As always, I invite the reader to consider donating to One New Heart. Palestinian families are learning-one family at a time- that Christians, Israelis and Jews, are not the monsters they have been told they are.

Contrast that with the savagery we are witnessing in Syria.


  1. Hi Gary, I left a comment on your blog last week saying I'd send you some more photos from UCSD's rather lame "Justice in Palestine Week."

    Here's an essay by a UCSD math professor calling out some of the hateful rhetoric from recent years:

    That essay links to a good photo album from a couple years ago:

    The panel that made my blood boil the most was the one titled "Is Israel a Strategic Ally?" It had the infamous bogus quote of Ariel Sharon boasting that "The Jewish people control America." Not only that, but the "source" listed at the bottom of the panel was a blog post arguing that the reason for US support of Israel is disloyal Jews serving in the Executive Branch. [Incidentally, that panel was gone this year, and last year, the URL of the "source" had been painted over. I guess somebody figured that it wasn't good for their credibility to be proudly displaying the URL of an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory webpage.]

  2. Thank You, Max. It is refreshing to know UCSD has at least one sane professor. I will post this article.
