Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A UC San Diego Math Professor Speaks Out on Campus Hate Week

Hat tip to Max

There is at least one sensible professor at UC San Diego, albeit in the Math Department. That would be Ron Evans. A reader named Max sent me this link to Professor Evans' critique of Israel Apartheid week at UCSD, and I am happy to post it. It was originally published by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East.

What was especially "stunning" this year was the performance of speaker Cynthia McKinney, who appeared with her dancing partner Hatem Bazian of UC Berkeley. Her speech was not only rambling, but unintelligible as she completely lost her train of thought (what little she has) while fumbling * to turn on a video of General Wesley Clark talking about George W Bush's secret plan to invade 7- seven  countries.

* Next year's speaker will probably be Don King. (Hat tip the late great Jim Healy and John Speedie)

1 comment:

  1. Its not a bad analysis, and his quote from Friedman is right on the money, but it is also easy for blind fanatical defense of Israel to hide behind the blanket defense of crying "anti-Semitism".
