Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Benghazi: Issa Issues More Subpoenas

Hat tip Hot Air

"You have mail, John."

John Kerry promised cooperation with the House in the Benghazi inquiry, and now he is asked to put up. Hot Air has a report on the documents that Darrell Issa's oversight committeee is demanding. They cover a number of communications related to the development of the Benghazi talking points memo that turned out to be false.


Is this the cue for President Obama to step in and declare them protected by executive privilege?


  1. My money (large money) is on Kerry holding out, by not coming forth on the Issa requests. In fact, I would not be surprised if he would say: "What difference, at this time, does it make."


  2. Republicans have a bad case of subpoena envy.

  3. Wasn't this supposed to be the most transparent administration EVER?

    Weren't we supposed to see all the debates on CNN?

    Wasn't HE the agent of change?

    It is the hypocrisy of it all that galls me so much.
    Gary is like the news accumulator for us. He picks out the interesting and certainly the most consequential items.
    Thanks for all you do, Gary. It is a great blog site.

  4. Thanks Miggie, but Siarlys disagrees

  5. Miggie is known to be right now and then, but this rant is not one of those times.

  6. Kerry is merely only the newest, most recent mope, I believe, to be appointed to high position by Obama. Sounds like the probable new FBI director is more of the same.

  7. Sour grapes, all of you. A slight majority of American voters re-elected a man you wanted to boot out of office, and now all you can do is wail and moan and boo-hoo and make snide remarks about whatever he does. Sour grapes. You are all such a pack of juveniles.
