Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pat Condell Speaks Out on the London Killing

Irish commentator Pat Condell expresses the rage that is on-going in the UK over the killing of a British soldier. In this video, he calls out the enablers of the killers, the multi-cultural crowd, the excuse-makers, the hateful preachers in the mosques, etc. He also calls out the silent Muslims who don't report the violent rhetoric coming out of their mosques. He calls for a Muslim backlash against the violence. Most importantly, Condell rejects the apologetics of those who say the killings did not represent Islam itself. Condell maintains that it was just another example of armed jihad, a principle that he says Muslims must reject.


Again, I invite my Muslim readers (and I know you are out there) to join the discussion. Listen to Condell and tell me why you think he is wrong.

1 comment:

  1. There was once an asylum that gave rise to the phrase "retire to Bedlam." That is where Pat Condell should retire. I've watched one or three videos you have posted in the past. He's a spluttering misanthrope more oriented to calling names than to presenting facts or making sense. I can't waste any more time on him. Nigel Farage, or Malcolm X, make a thoughtful, erudite presentation of their point of view. Condell just isn't in their league.
