Monday, January 14, 2013

New Additions to Fousesquawk

This morning I have added a couple of new features to Fousesquawk. The first thing you will notice at the top is a way to translate the text from English to many other languages, a feature near and dear to my heart since I already link sources from different languages, which I read. Of course, I will not guarantee 100% accuracy in these translations.

The second new feature is that I have removed the Muslim Brotherhood web site Ikhwan Web from the blog list and added it to a new section for liberal sites entitled, "Fiction Section" (no offense). I decided to do this so I could more conveniently read up on what the other side thinks, most recently in this past weekend's posting of an article in the Huffington Post in which the writer is being lambasted by his own readership. More sites will be added in the future. I think it also represents a good opportunity to interact with those writers and readers.

I hope you enjoy the new features. Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Finally I can read this is my native language of Esperanto! But I'm disappointed that you don't have options for Klingon, Huttese, and Pig Latin.
