Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hate Crime Stats in Sweden

Hat tip to Sweden, Israel and the Jews

It looks like our friends in Sweden are having a difficult time breaking down their statistics on hate crimes as the below article will attest.

What is clearly missing in the Local article is the fact that most hate crimes and other hateful expressions toward Jews are carried out by the Muslim immigrants-the other victim group. What is needed is a clear analysis, something the Swedes are apparently reluctant to do. For example, what is the breakdown on actual physical assaults, and who are the perpetrators?

Of course, it is fashionable to lay it all off on "right-wing nationalists", etc. The question is are Muslims being attacked on the streets, their mosques defaced, or are they being verbally assaulted? These things are clearly happening to the Jews, espcially in Malmo. Are the expressions of hate towards Muslims basically coming from "Islamphobic websites" that decry the Muslim immigration? Aside from expressing their resentment at the foreign Muslim presence in their societies and its effects, what else have they done?

There are too many unanswered questions. This is why statistices can be deceiving.

1 comment:

  1. What might be more productive is to link those Muslims who commit these crimes linked WITH the more traditional right wing. Until twenty years ago, the Palestinian cause was a "left" cause, for no good reason, but those who pass themselves off as leftists aren't very discerning. They don't remember that Lenin endorsed the Balfour Declaration, nor that Lenin warned "Beware of a Pan-Islamic Movement masquerading as a national liberation front."

    Now, only Miggie and a couple of dittzy actresses think jihad is a left-wing cause. So get all the perps lumped together, where they belong, and deal with them accordingly.
