Thursday, August 25, 2011

Marco Rubio at the Reagan Library

Last night on CSPAN, I caught Marco Rubio's speech at the Reagan Library this week. Suffice to say, I now understand why so many Republicans are pushing him to fill the VP slot in the coming presidential race. This man seems to have it all. Not only can he articulate the conservative philosophy, he is remarkably positive when talking about America. Below is a curiously-worded report from the liberal LA Times that seems to put a negative tint to the appearance without providing any real information. It contains video and the text.

"If you're hale, hearty and running for president on the Republican ticket, you might be out of luck adding Florida Sen. Marco Rubio to your team. More on that in a bit."

"But some of the most interesting parts of the evening came before and after the formal remarks."

So what's your point, Times?

God only knows what the Times was trying to imply though they did follow up with a link to the account of how Nancy Regan fell while entering the room on Rubio's arm.

Rubio was born in America to Cuban immigrants who had fled Castro. He speaks of the deep love he and his family have for America and the opportunities provided here.Hhe underestands that our greatness comes from our people and traditions- not government.

I have previously said that of all the Republican candidates, Newt Gingrich articulates conservative values far better than any of them. The problem is that he has too much personal baggage and a history of changing course when he was speaker of the House. Rubio appears to have the same clarity of vision as Gingrich but without the baggage that Newt has.

I noticed that Rubio spoke without a teleprompter yet gave his speech fluently and flawlessly. He didn't try to use empty but soaring rhetoric, rather he spoke as if he were in someone's living room over coffee explaining why he loves this country and believes in conservative principles.  His delivery is very impressive. In short, he has charisma and his words are striking.

Of course, Rubio is young (40) and looks younger. He is in his first term as a US Senator (as was Barack Obama when he won the presidency).

That makes two exciting young Republicans in Florida; Rubio and Allen West. Both have acknowledged that they are not ready to run for president. Yet, I am convinced that they will both be candidates in the coming years. (2016). Both Rubio and West stand in stark contrast to the recent charges of racism that some Democrats are leveling against the Tea Party. It is a fact that West, Rubio and Herman Cain are Tea Party favorites, as are Sarah Palin and Michele Obama. How can Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson explain that fact?

Of course, a good speaker is a good speaker and not necessarily anything else as Obama has proved. Yet, I do believe that were Rubio to jump into the race, he would outshine them all.  Keep an eye on this young man. I see a future president.

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