Saturday, August 31, 2024

France: Afghans Brawling in the Street

-FdeSouche/Valeurs Actuelles

Just another day in Gay Paree. People having coffee in sidewalk cafes, lovers walking hand-in-hand, tourists gawking at the Eifel Tower, and..........

Afghans "making mischief in the land" ( to borrow a phase).

This morning, about 30 Afghans took to the street in the 18th arrondissement with clubs and knives to engage in that traditional Afghan pastime-fighting, a tradition they have imported to the West, enriching us all.  Le Figaro has the report here, as translated by Fousesquawk.

The French blog, Francois deSouche, has video of the incident here (viewer warning). 

Paris: Four injured during brawl among Afghans in the middle of the street

By Guillaume Poingt

Posted 4 hours ago, updated 2 hours ago

The incident happened on rue Dormoy in the 18th arrondissement late morning Saturday. Six individuals, two of whom were armed with knives, were arrested.

A brawl among Afghan nationals produced four injured Saturday, 31 August around 11:45 am on rue Dormoy (Paris 18the), Le Figaro learned from police sources. The injured were treated by emergency services in absolute or relative urgency. A security perimeter was visible on the street the incident occurred in the late morning while traffic was interrupted.

In the images circulating on social media, we can see some thirty individuals, some armed with clubs or wooden boards, confronting each other in the middle of the street. Six individuals, including two carrying knives, were arrested, the prefecture of police tells Le Figaro.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Extra Credit to Students for Attending Anti-Israel Events?

Hat tip to Legal Insurrection

The national leadership of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is urging professors to give extra credit to students in their classes for attending pro-Palestinian events.

Legal Insurrection has the story here.

As I have said over and over again, SJP is a despicable, anti-Semitic organization that has proven time and time again that it has no place on any university campus. As for this latest effort, no doubt, many leftist professors will heed the call and give extra credit for attending these vile events. It has already happened. I know for a fact that professors on various campuses have done exactly that. During the recent post-October 7 events, one professor at UC Irvine, where I used to teach, offered extra credit for her students to attended an anti-Israel teachin.

To me, this is highly unprofessional and unethical. I myself was an activist on the UC Irvine campus during my time there. Since leaving in 2016, I have attended a few events of interest. My activism was geared toward fighting campus anti-Semitism masked as anti-Zionism. Yet, I never took any of my personal opinions into the classroom. To me, it was not part of my job. Thus, I never addressed that or any other issue in front of my classes. I considered that my students were not there to hear my personal views on anything. (My subject was English as a second language.)

The new school term is beginning around the nation, and there is no doubt there will be much to report as the pro-Hamas forces gear up for more confrontations. It would be nice if university administrators sent out warnings to the faculty that extra credit for attending advocacy events is prohibited.

But they won't.

Tim Walz's "Bad Grammar"


“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” 

 During the interview on CNN when Dana Bash asked Tim Walz about his misrepresenting his military service, specifically, the above statement he had previously made, Walz basically avoided the point, chalking it up to "bad grammar."

 Well, I suppose one can nitpick the grammar in that statement, but the problem is not in the grammar. The meaning is quite clear. He said that he carried weapons in war- period.

"I said, we were talking about in this case—this was after a school shooting—the ideas of carrying these weapons of war and my wife the English teacher told me my grammar is not always correct. But again, if it's not this, it's an attack on my children for showing love for me, or it's an attack on my dog

Walz evaded the question.

"A New Way Forward"

"A new way forward. That's the ticket, by Jove"


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kamala Harris and BNE (California State Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement)

This article first appeared in New English Review.

One of the themes of the Harris campaign is that she was a "tough" prosecutor when she was DA in San Francisco and later as California attorney general. Those of us who live in California know better. As DA in San Francisco, she refused to pursue the death penalty in murder cases even when they involved police officers killed in the line of duty. As AG, Harris's chief interest was in going after "corporate polluters" and similar violators at the expense of going after violent street criminals and criminal gangs. In short, she was not concerned with the rise in violent street crime that was plaguing the state, a condition that has continued to get worse up to today.

However, there is one aspect of this issue that seems to have been overlooked. As AG, Harris presided over the dissolution of the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement (BNE), an agency created in 1927 and which was the oldest drug enforcement agency in the US until its dissolution in 2012.

When I was a young US Customs agent in the early 1970s and later a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent starting in 1973 in Los Angeles, BNE was a highly respected agency with whom we often worked cases jointly. In addition, BNE agents were assigned to joint task forces with DEA, local police agencies, Immigration, IRS, and others. Their contributions were highly valued by the DEA agents who worked with them.

It should be noted that BNE did not get involved with low-level street cases, rather, like DEA, they concentrated on the larger organizations trafficking drugs in and out of California. Like DEA, they had intelligence analysts, diversion investigators investigating the illegal distribution of legally prescribed controlled substances, clandestine lab investigators, and financial investigators. In short, they were a highly respected, professional organization.

Yet, in 2011, when quirky Jerry Brown was governor, he negotiated with the state legislature to sharply reduce funding for the Division of Law Enforcement, the principal crime-fighting entity of the California Department of Justice, which included BNE, for the coming fiscal year. Though it was advertised as a cost-cutting move, it was reported that Brown was angry because the Association of Special Agents for the California Department of Justice had endorsed Brown's opponent in the 2010 gubernatorial election, Meg Whitman (R). As a result of the cut in funding, it was decided to abolish the financially crippled BNE and transfer its functions to the newly created California Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

In November 2011, the Association of Special Agents for the California Department of Justice filed a petition (Case number 34-2011-80001009)  in the Superior Court of Sacramento against Governor Brown and the California Department of Finance asking for an injunction. In their petition, they claimed that the effect on drug enforcement in California would be devastating and that Governor Brown was retaliating because the above association had endorsed his opponent. In addition, the petitioners claimed that Brown's action was an intrusion into the prerogatives of the attorney general. In fact, the greatest portion of the petition was devoted to this issue. The court rejected the arguments stating, among other things,  that the budget was the business of the legislature and that the petitioners did not have standing as to the issue of the attorney general's prerogatives. The official record of the case from the Sacramento Superior Court can be read here. At any rate, the petition for an injunction was unsuccessful and BNE was abolished in February 2012 with many of its duties absorbed into the newly created California Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The impact on the various drug task forces was a negative one in that they lost their BNE members. 

This leads to the question of Kamala Harris: In short, where was she in all this? Why was the agents' association trying so hard to argue that her jurisdiction had been intruded upon while she was apparently not a part of this lawsuit? Was she working quietly behind the scenes to support the association? Was she working behind the scenes to undermine them? Or was she simply not involved in any way?  According to at least one report, the petition was filed by the agents' association because they were getting no support from Harris. 

In December 2011, after the petition was filed, the news site, Full Disclosure-PR Newswire, published an interview with a member of the board for the above association, Cary Cavaleri, in which he charged that Brown was possibly retaliating against the agency and that the AG's constitutional authority had been undermined. He further stated that the move would destroy drug enforcement in California.

"In the absence of opposition from Attorney General Kamala Harris, the Association of Special Agents for the California Department of Justice has stepped in to fight."

-PR Newswire

When Vice President Harris crows about her experience as a "tough" prosecutor and AG in California, somebody should ask her about the BNE issue. In short, what was she doing, if anything, to support BNE and prevent the dissolution of this valuable agency? My suspicion is that she stood back and did or said nothing. It certainly appears that she was not a party to the petition and did nothing to support the agents. She may have a reasonable explanation for this, but she should have to explain. If she agreed with Brown that it was a cost-cutting move, let her make that case. But she needs to be asked about this. 

My guess is she was sitting the whole thing out, just as she has sat out her assignment as the "border czar". Just as she doesn't care about the border, she doesn't care about drug enforcement. She just doesn't care.

Sweden: Anti-Islam Demonstration in Stockholm

Hat tip RAIR USA


On August 24, anti-Islam activists held a protest march in Stockholm against the Islamization of Sweden. A few left-wing activists showed up to counter-protest, but it appears it all went on peacefully.

The conservative news site, Frihetsnytt, has posted an article with pictures of the event. The bottom five photos show counter-demonstrators. The translation is by Fousesquawk.

Demonstration against Islam in Stockholm

24 August 2024 at 14:41

A demonstration against the Islamization of Sweden was organized on Saturday, which was covered by Frihetsnytt. The march went through central Stockholm, and a few left-wing extremists showed up. Frihetsnytt was on the scene and documented it.

The demonstration began at Odenplan around 11 am, when the organizer, Jade Sandberg, alias Korskvinnan (Cross Woman), gave a speech on how Islam threatens Sweden and the Christian world, as well as measures she sees need to be taken. Among the measures she suggested were that all Korans in Sweden be burned, and that Muslims should go back to their Muslim countries of origin.

Then the procession left to Normalmstorg (square). There were about 100 people who joined in and the procession went on peacefully. When it began to approach Hötorget (square), the slogan, "Crush Islam" began to echo among the participants. It then passed Sergelstorg (square), where an extreme left counter-demonstration was gathered (see below).

The demonstration finished at Norrmalmstorg where Sandberg gave a closing speech.

Along with the procession, a small group of 7-10 left-wing extremists followed who tried to disrupt the demonstration. This mostly consisted of hysterical chants, such as "Sweden hates fascists", and "Let's go, let's go (in Arabic), Sweden for all," as well as "Nazis at the Odenplan-throw the sh-t out of town" (even though the procession had long since left Odenplan). 

A group of leftist extremists also gathered at Sergels Square, including activists from Revolutionary Communist Youth. According to information, there were chants of "Allahu akhbar" (Arabic for "God" or "greater").

Frihetsnytt will also post a film report on the demonstration.

-Viktor Eriksson

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mark Zuckerberg's Letter to Jim Jordan

They say gentlemen never read other people's mail, but here we must make an exception. That would be in the case of META/Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's letter to Jim Jordan (R-OH) Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary, regarding the efforts of the Biden administration to pressure Facebook to censor information unfavorable to the administration, specifically regarding the Covid issue, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the FBI's effort to push the Russian disinformation angle upon social media outlets. The letter is devastating, no matter how the liberal media tries to spin it.

If you are wondering about the spacing between pages one and two of the letter, that is because I cut and pasted them as separate photos.

I urge you to read it no matter your political leanings. It's that important.

California Bill Would Give Taxpayer $$$ to Illegals to Buy Homes

 "This bill, introduced by Assemblymember (Joaquin) Arambula (D-Fresno), proposes using California taxpayer dollars to assist illegal immigrants with down payments for their first homes.

Joaquin Arambula (D)

"The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), which sponsored the bill, has received over $44 million in government grants and contributions, however, they continue to advocate for taxpayer-funded housing assistance for illegal immigrants. This has led to questions about why CHIRLA, with substantial net assets, doesn’t use its funds for this purpose."

If you live in the state of California, you need to read this. If you are thinking of moving to California, you need to read this. If you are dreaming of the day when Governor Gavin Newsom runs for president, you need to read this. It is posted by LA AM radio KFI and was reported on by the Johnn Kobelt Show today. In short, the bill would make taxpayer funding available to illegal migrant home buyers. You can read the details here.

"The People's University of Palestine" (at Columbia)

"We're resisting apartheid."

Columbia University, the former domain of ex-president Minouche Shafik and a handful of other ex-high-ranking officials, apparently is reopening for the fall term under a new name. They are henceforth "The People's University of Palestine" under the leadership of Columbia University Apartheid Divest.

And the campus newspaper, the Columbia Spectator, has actually posted the big announcement on their front page.

In their announcement, the little rascals talk about what a miserable place Columbia is (on that, we can agree), but for different reasons that I think it's miserable. One has to ask why these people remain at Columbia if it's so bad. I myself ask why any Jewish student would remain on campus given the presence of brown shirt encampments emblazoned with those obscene Palestinian flags and lots of oddballs wearing those Palestinian keffiyehs, making them look like wannabe terrorists.

This organization and their cousins, Students for Justice in Palestine should never be allowed on campus again. As for their silly and asinine demands........

School is in at Cornell

-Cornell Daily Sun

Yesterday, the fall term began at Cornell, and true to their word, the little rascals have started right in with their little tricks. Pro-Hamas vandalism in the form of broken glass and graffiti has already taken place. The miscreants have even given an interview to the campus paper, the Daily Sun to explain their motives.

The university is promising suspension and prosecution for the perps. They must follow up with action. If and when these mopes are identified, they should be expelled and prosecuted. If they are foreign students, their student visas should be canceled, and they should be sent home packing.  This toxic presence must be removed from Cornell and every other campus. Cornell is now under the microscope. 

Netherlands: Trial for Jihadist Who Desecrated 100 Graves

Daelwijck Cemetery, Utrecht

Last May, a 21-year-old man, identified only as Mohamed B., vandalized almost 100 graves in the Dutch town of Utrecht. Yesterday, he appeared in court to answer for his crime. Prosecutors believe his act was inspired by jihadism and have asked that he remain in custody pending his trial. Mr B. has a previous history with jihadism and is apparently still involved with that ideology. He reportedly has been writing jihadist  messages on his cell wall with chalk.

Reformatorisch Dagblad has the story, which is translated by Fousesquawk.

Public Prosecutor: Destruction of Utrecht graves fits with jihadist ideology

ANP 26 August 20:24 12:39


The manner in which almost 100 graves were destroyed in the Utrecht Daelwijck cemetery in May of this year fits with the "jihadist ideology. That is been explained by an Arabist in the criminal case file that the justice system has built against the 21-year-old Mohamed B. from Vleuten. On Monday, he appeared for the first time in an open hearing at the criminal court in Utrecht. At the conclusion, he offered his apologies for the destruction.

Besides the desecration of graves, the Public Prosecutor's Office suspects (Mohamed) B. of participating in a terrorist organization and preparing to carry out a serious crime, such as causing an explosion. B. reportedly almost traveled to Somalia last year to join ISIS. He was stopped by his father. Then he was in a deradicalization program and reportedly repented. He reportedly went looking for recruiters in order to unmask them. 

The Public Prosecutor's Office does not believe that and thinks that B. wanted to give a different impression to outsiders. B. allegedly remained in contact with jihadist sympathizers and allegedly transferred money to organizations that adhered to that ideology. On the walls of his cell in which he sits in pre-trial detention, he reportedly has written jihadist texts in chalk, according to the prosecutor. According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, A co-suspect  has stated that B.'s terrorist ambitions have not lessened.

B. was arrested shortly after the desecration of the graves and has been in custody since. He reportedly filmed the desecration of the graves. His lawyer is asking the court to set B. free under conditions so that he can continue with his therapy process.  "There is sufficient supervision and built-in control," according to the counselor. She denies that the destruction of the graves had anything to do with any terrorist ideology.

The prosecutor opposed suspending the pre-trial arrest. The danger of repeat offending is too great, according to him. With the destruction of the graves, B. has crossed over from just talking about violence to actually committing (violence), he argued. According to the court, the suspicion is too serious and a suspension could not be explained to the public.

Thus, B. will remain in custody until at least the next interim hearing, which is scheduled for 18 November.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Spain: One Fine Day at the Beach (in Ceuta)

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

We have often reported on the chronic illegal crossings into the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, located on the North African coast, by Moroccans, sub-Saharan Africans, and others. They are basically all young men. The latest incident occurred yesterday as some 60 young males, mostly minors, arrived on the beach of Ceuta in swimming trunks, mixed among the locals on the beach, to confuse the cops, and took off running to the city.

The Spanish daily, El Faro de Ceuta, has an article with the details along with video. In addition, El Debate (Spain) has an article, not translated, with a separate video.

The article by El Faro is translated by Fousesquawk. Note that during translation, the title was updated, so there may be additional updates that may affect the translation of the text.

-El Faro de Ceuta

Moroccans arrive at the beach sneaking in among bathers, one policeman injured

One officer received the impact of a stone, sandy area (beach) out of control with the arrival of swimmers from Morocco who mixed in with Ceutan bathers.

By Carmen Echarri


The bathers who were present this afternoon in the area of Tarajal beach in Ceuta were transformed into witnesses of the arrival of some swimmers, apparently, minors, who arrived at the sandy area taking advantage of the presence of other people in the water.

According to official sources consulted by El Faro after the dissemination of several videos showing a large number of people running on the beach, swimmers who found cover among those who were in the water.

The Moroccans mixed among the bathers to disguise themselves generating confusion among the families who were there.

Then they left running from the location chased by the Guardia Civil (Civil Guard).

One officer from the National Police was injured being hit with a rock thrown in the Tarajal zone, where they attacked a police vehicle hitting a colleague who was inside. It is not known who the perpetrator of this attack was.

He was taken to the hospital, and according to command sources, he is fine.

The police have not specified additional information in this regard. Both episodes took place on a foggy afternoon coinciding with a large presence of swimmers who are leaving Morocco.

The situation is also complicated for the neighboring country (Morocco), incapable of preventing the swimmers from jumping into the sea in the direction of Ceuta.

After what occurred last early morning, the drip-drip of arrivals has not ceased.

From (Morocco) comes information about a large number of minors, the majority of whom want to reach Ceuta by swimming.

Those in the area become witnesses from the point of view of how they throw themselves in the water without any regard.

Families on the beach have conveyed to this newspaper their discomfort because it appears they are being criminalized when they indicate that they themselves were surprised by the arrival of the Moroccans by swimming.

Security forces have been deployed.

The circumstances are adverse due to the weather, the fog that prevents seeing those who approach Ceuta until they are already on the coast.

That is what happened this afternoon with the arrival of swimmers who mixed in with the bathers of Ceuta.  The fact that they were in bathing suits makes it complicated to distinguish. Seeing what was happening, the Guardia Civil went into action, but several took off running while the people screamed.

So far today, 17 minors have arrived in the city.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Netherlands: Another Attack on the Memory of Anne Frank

Opening of Anne Frank Public Park in Gouda

Once again, a memorial to Anne Frank has been defaced in the Netherlands with a pro-Palestinian message. This time in the town of Gouda, where an information board about Anne in a public park named after her was covered with paint depicting the Palestinian flag. The linked article from shows a photo of the board painted over.

What an obscenity!

The Dutch people are very sensitive about the Holocaust and the symbolism of Anne Frank as the most famous Jewish victim of the Holocaust in that country. It is true that some Dutch were sympathetic to the Nazis and collaborated with them in the Holocaust while the country was occupied in WW2. That is also true in virtually every country occupied by the Germans. The Dutch people today, with few exceptions are not anti-Semitic. They have a long and proud history of welcoming and sheltering refugees fleeing persecution, a tradition that has been badly abused in recent years. In short, I would be surprised if the perpetrator(s) turned out to be Dutch.

The below from the conservative Dutch site, Dagelijkse Standaard is translated by Fousesquawk.

No chance! Anne Frank once again target of extremists: "This is pure anti-Semitism, nothing less!"


24 August at 18:00

The pro-Palestinian extremists really pull out all the stops to show their reprehensible anti-Semitism. Vandals thought it was a good idea to smear an information board about Anne Frank in the Anne Frank Public Park in Gouda with the colors of the Palestinian flag. The municipality of Gouda reacted immediately and let it be known that this kind of act is absolutely unacceptable.

A concerned resident of Gouda has filed reports with the municipality and the police. This person, who wishes to remain anonymous, called the act "low and disappointing" in a conversation with, (news) and said that the act surely does nothing good for the community. "The defacing of an information board to commemorate Anne Frank is not only disrespectful but also shows a lack of fundamental decency."

The political reaction to this incident leaves nothing to the imagination. Maikel Boon (PVV) member of the Second Chamber (Parliament), has expressed his outrage via social media. "It is scandalous that even the Anne Frank Public Park isn't safe from this cowardly act of Jew-hatred, masked as so-called solidarity. This is pure anti-Semitism, nothing less!". Boon also wonders how long the Public Prosecutor's Office will look the other way when it comes to such flagrant anti-Semitic acts.

Memories of Anne Frank, unfortunately, have been the target of such idiotic actions more and more often. What drives people to connect a girl who was murdered with the conflict in the Middle East because of her heritage? When will these figures, who undoubtedly are also often to be found at socially disruptive XR demonstrations, finally realize that their actions achieve precisely the opposite of what they intend?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

France: Suspect Arrested in Attack on Synagogue

Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grande-Motte, France

Quick work by the French cops. They have arrested the suspect in this morning's fire set at a synagogue in southern France. He was located in the city of Nimes and was shot and wounded in an exchange of gunfire. There is no identification or further description as yet. The below article, translated by Fousesquawk from Le Figaro, has just been posted, and there will likely be several updates, which will cause discrepancies in the translated version.

Fire at the synagogue of La Grande Motte: "Suspected perpetrator has been arrested", Gerald Darmanin announces.


Posted 26 minutes ago, updated 24 minutes ago.

Caption: Gerald Darmanin has announced the arrest of the perpetrator.

The perpetrator of the fire, who was wearing a flag with the colors of the Palestinian Authority and a weapon Saturday morning, has been arrested, the outgoing Minister of Interior announced on his X account. 

"The suspected perpetrator of the arson at the synagogue has been arrested." In a message on his X account, the outgoing Minister of Interior, Gerald Darmanin, announced the arrest of the man suspected of setting fire to the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grande-Motte (Herault) Saturday morning, just before 8:30 am. The man was taken down by police late Saturday-early Sunday, "despite his shots fired", says (the Interior Minister)*

* ......"occupant of the Beauvau" -French Interior Ministry building)

"Thanks to the members of the police, and principally the RAID (elite tactical unit of French National Police), who intervened with great professionalism," he added. This morning, surveillance cameras in the city captured images of an individual setting fire to two cars, one of which contained a gas cylinder in front of the synagogue. The explosion injured a municipal police officer.

Insert, Darmanin on X:

"The suspected perpetrator of the arson of the synagogue has been arrested. Thanks to the members of the police, and principally RAID, who intervened with great professionalism, despite his gunshots." 

The individual was arrested on the top floor of a tower building in the Pissevin quarter of Nimes (Gard), according to AFP (Agence France Presse) and was treated by emergency personnel after having been hit by gunfire from police. His condition is not critical.

More information to follow.......


The French news outlet, Objectif  Gard, in the Nimes area, reports that the suspect is a 33-year-old Algerian, quoting BFMTV.


Germany: Suspected Solingen Stabber in Custody

Translation by Fousesquawk

Suspected stabber in custody
-Berliner Morgenpost

It appears there are conflicting stories in the German media, but it appears that police have the suspected Solingen stabber in custody. Different accounts say he was arrested as police stormed a refugee center, while the Berliner Morgenpost is reporting that a 26-year-old Syrian approached police on the street, dirty and bloodstained, and turned himself in. This appears, at this point, to be the correct account.

Here is the account of the Berliner Morgenpost (partial translation):

23:53: In connection with the knife attack in Solingen, police have arrested a suspect. That was announced by North-Rhine Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul (Christian Democrat Union) to ARD "Tagesthemen (news) and spoke of a "real suspect", who had been sought the entire day.

According to information by Der Spiegel and Bild newspaper, 26-year-old Syrian, Issa al H., reportedly still blood-smeared, approached officers on Saturday evening and said, " I am the one, the one you are looking for!"

Suspect in custody
-Berliner Morgenpost

The alleged perpetrator was born in the Syrian city of Deir al-Sor. At the end of December 2022, he reportedly came to Germany and applied for asylum in Bielefeld. A year later, he received so-called subsidiary protection, which refugees from the civil war often receive. He is reportedly a Sunni Muslim and as yet unknown to security authorities as an Islamist extremist.

France: Synagogue Attacked

This morning in the southern France coastal town of La Grande Motte, a synagogue was attacked by at least one man who set fire to two cars outside the main entrance to the synagogue. One of the cars contained a gas cylinder and exploded injuring a police officer who was nearby. The man fled, but video surveillance cameras caught at least one image of him wearing a Palestinian flag around his waist and a red keffiyeh. He is seen carrying two plastic bottles, which apparently contain gasoline.

 The below translation of an article in today's Paris Match is translated by Fousesquawk. The article mentions a separate image reportedly verified by Agence France Presse that shows the man's face uncovered. We are attempting to locate the image.

I suppose this is another example of what the Palestinians and their supporters call "legitimate resistance". Nonsense. When you attack a synagogue, you are not just making a statement against Israel and/or Zionism; you are attacking Jews as a people as well as their religion. The person or persons who did this are vicious criminals filled with hatred towards Jews. Hopefully, whoever did this will be quickly tracked down.

-France Bleu

Police officer injured, Palestinian flag-What is known about the attack against the synagogue of La Grande-Motte

Caption: A security team was deployed around the affected synagogue in La Grand-Motte on Saturday, August 24.
Editorial staff
8-24-24 at 18:44

At least two cars were set on fire in front of the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grand-Motte, in Herault (department) on Saturday, 24 August in the morning. Here is what we know.

Saturday, 24 August in the morning, the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grand-Motte was the victim of an attack. Two cars were set on fire in front of the doors causing an explosion and injuring a municipal police officer. Gerald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal traveled to the scene this afternoon.

An explosion, one injured

At least two cars were set on fire in front of the Beth Yaacov Synagogue in La Grande-Motte, in Herault, Saturday 24 August around 8:30 in the morning. One of the cars, containing a gas cylinder, exploded, wounding Jean Dupont, a municipal police officer.

The officer's condition is "reassuring", according to the secretary general of the municipal police, Ludovic Durand: "He is being examined, and is psychologically in shock," he detailed to BFMTV.

Although two doors of the religious building were damaged, there were no injuries to be reported in the interior, stated the national prosecutor's anti-terrorist office, which has opened an investigation. On X, (formerly Twitter), Emmanuel Macron assured that "everything is being done to track down the perpetrator of this terrorist act and protect religious locations." "The fight against anti-Semitism is being fought constantly."

Insert, Macron on X:

"Thoughts for the faithful of the synagogue in La Grand-Motte and all the Jews in our country. Everything is being done to track down the perpetrator of this terrorist act and to protect religious locations."

A Palestinian flag visible on surveillance cameras

The synagogue's surveillance camera revealed a glimpse of the principal suspect. A man was filmed leaving the site after the explosion, wearing a Palestinian flag, as revealed by BFMTV. The information was confirmed by AFP (Agence France Presse).

Another video surveillance image (whose authenticity has been verified by AFP) reveals that the man was wearing a red keffiyeh on his head, and a blue polo shirt, and was fleeing with his face uncovered. 

Attal and Darmanin are at scene

In the afternoon, (Prime Minister) Gabriel Attal and (Interior Minister) Gerald Darmanin traveled to the scene to "accentuate the mobilized services". The two outgoing ministers announced they are "immediately" reinforcing protection around the Jewish religious sites. "We have avoided an absolute tragedy", Gabriel Attal declared 

Insert, Gabriel Attal on X:

"An attack targeted the synagogue in La Grande-Motte this morning. An anti-Semitic act Once again, our Jewish fellow citizens are targeted. 

Insert, Gabrial Attal on X:

"An attack targeted the synagogue in La Grande-Motte this morning. An anti-Semitic act Once again, our Jewish fellow citizens are targeted. 

*Update: Here is the image from AFP via Le Devoir. For some reason, the face of the perp is blurred out! That will sure help the public assist the police in finding him!

Update: A suspect has been arrested. Report to follow.