Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"The People's University of Palestine" (at Columbia)

"We're resisting apartheid."

Columbia University, the former domain of ex-president Minouche Shafik and a handful of other ex-high-ranking officials, apparently is reopening for the fall term under a new name. They are henceforth "The People's University of Palestine" under the leadership of Columbia University Apartheid Divest.

And the campus newspaper, the Columbia Spectator, has actually posted the big announcement on their front page.

In their announcement, the little rascals talk about what a miserable place Columbia is (on that, we can agree), but for different reasons that I think it's miserable. One has to ask why these people remain at Columbia if it's so bad. I myself ask why any Jewish student would remain on campus given the presence of brown shirt encampments emblazoned with those obscene Palestinian flags and lots of oddballs wearing those Palestinian keffiyehs, making them look like wannabe terrorists.

This organization and their cousins, Students for Justice in Palestine should never be allowed on campus again. As for their silly and asinine demands........

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