Saturday, August 31, 2024

France: Afghans Brawling in the Street

-FdeSouche/Valeurs Actuelles

Just another day in Gay Paree. People having coffee in sidewalk cafes, lovers walking hand-in-hand, tourists gawking at the Eifel Tower, and..........

Afghans "making mischief in the land" ( to borrow a phase).

This morning, about 30 Afghans took to the street in the 18th arrondissement with clubs and knives to engage in that traditional Afghan pastime-fighting, a tradition they have imported to the West, enriching us all.  Le Figaro has the report here, as translated by Fousesquawk.

The French blog, Francois deSouche, has video of the incident here (viewer warning). 

Paris: Four injured during brawl among Afghans in the middle of the street

By Guillaume Poingt

Posted 4 hours ago, updated 2 hours ago

The incident happened on rue Dormoy in the 18th arrondissement late morning Saturday. Six individuals, two of whom were armed with knives, were arrested.

A brawl among Afghan nationals produced four injured Saturday, 31 August around 11:45 am on rue Dormoy (Paris 18the), Le Figaro learned from police sources. The injured were treated by emergency services in absolute or relative urgency. A security perimeter was visible on the street the incident occurred in the late morning while traffic was interrupted.

In the images circulating on social media, we can see some thirty individuals, some armed with clubs or wooden boards, confronting each other in the middle of the street. Six individuals, including two carrying knives, were arrested, the prefecture of police tells Le Figaro.

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