Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Hypocrisy of the New York Times

For so many years-many decades actually- the New York Times has undeservedly been referred to as America's "flagship newspaper". In fact, it is nothing more than an unofficial organ of the Democrat party, a partisan rag that has embarrassed itself time and time again. The list of partisan writers like Nicholas Kristof, Paul Krugman, Charles Blow, Maureen Dowd, etc, is too long to list.

Because of its underserved reputation, the NY Times itself made worldwide news yesterday in calling for President Biden to drop out of the presidential race after his catastrophic performance in this week's debate against Donald Trump. They have joined the chorus of mainstream media voices who, almost on cue, finally admitted that the president flopped in the debate. Some die-hards are clinging to the idea that he just had a bad night, a cold, or whatever.  Some still cannot bring themselves to admit publicly that Biden's infirmity is permanent and progressive. The Times, for its part, is jumping ship. Like the Titanic, the lifeboats are filling up fast.

My question to the Times is this: Where have you been all these years? They say that Joe Biden is no longer the man he was 4 years ago. In fact, the signs of increasing cognitive decline were obvious in the 2020 campaign; they are just worse now. The thesis that Biden should drop out now is correct, but the timing is way overdue.

For 4 years, the Times and the rest of the mainstream media have studiously ignored what should be plain to anyone. Only now, after Biden stumbled and mumbled in front of a nationwide audience, has the Times realized that Biden is not fit to continue. 

Of course, half of the editorial is devoted to trashing Trump, a man the Times desperately wants to keep from returning to power. That is the real reason for the Times editorial now. They are now seriously afraid Biden cannot defeat Trump after this nationally-televised debacle. They desperately wish to turn to someone else who can win.

I also take issue with the Times' description of Biden's character and performance as president. He has not been an "admirable" president.  Over the course of 5 decades in Washington, Biden has been little more than an empty suit whose success has to be attributed to his longevity inside the Beltway. More recent revelations of his ties to his son, Hunter's shady business dealings, his actions as VP to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired, etc. have shown that he is also corrupt. He sold access to his position as vice president to greatly enrich himself and his entire family. In addition, he has weaponized his Justice Department to try and bring Trump to his knees and destroy his current campaign. As one who is retired from the Justice Department, I am ashamed at what this department has become.

Biden's presidency has been a marked failure, his open border policies, inflation, failures in foreign affairs, his wavering support of Israel in its war against Hamas, ect. Only his followers, dissemblers like his White House press secretary, Karine Jean Pierre, and the loyal media are claiming that this is a successful presidency.

But the main issue remains that it has taken our media 4 years to finally admit that something is not right with Biden. Why only after the debate? The French saw the problem with Biden earlier this month at the Normandie D-Day commemoration. Days later, the Italians saw it at the G7 summit. Why is it that the only major news outlet, Fox News, has seen the decline? Yes, Fox is partisan itself, but their reporting on Biden's health has been truthful all along. For that, they have been derided by the very people who just now "realize" that something is very wrong with Biden.

Instead of calling for Biden to drop out of the campaign, the NY Times and the rest of the mainstream media should be apologizing to the public for deceiving them these past 4 years on an issue of vital importance-the mental health of the President of the United States. Of course, they won't. The arrogance of the media is legendary, and they will cry that any criticism of the media is an assault on freedom of the press. Nonsense. They remain free to publish whatever nonsense they wish. But they are not above criticism. We in the public are also free to point out the failings of our press.

This week's series of events is the final, irrefutable proof that we have a news media we cannot trust. Only now, after 4 years of deceptions is the media starting to tell us the truth. They should be ashamed, not the least of which is the New York Times, our "flagship" newspaper.

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