Friday, June 28, 2024

Belgium: University Deals With Aftermath of Pro-Palestinian Occupation

-7 sur 7 (Belgium)

Banner reads: "Free Georges Abdallah". Abdallah is a pro-Palestinian Lebanese terrorist and convicted murderer imprisoned in France since 1984.

Translator's note: In Belgium, there are two universities in Brussels whose names-if translated into English- would be "Free University of Brussels".  However, one is a French-language university (Université librde Bruxelles or ULB), while the other is a Flemish-language university (Vrije  Universiteit Brussel or VUB). The Belgians avoid the use of the English term in order to avoid confusion. The story here concerns the French-language university (ULB).

From May 7 to June 25, pro-Palestinian students occupied a building at ULB until they were finally removed by police. Needless to say, the occupied building suffered considerable damage, including graffiti tags, broken doors, and damages to teaching materials.

But that's what the pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas mobs do, isn't it?

The below article from today's French-language, Belgian newspaper, 7 sur 7, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Pro-Palestinian action at ULB: Damages estimated at more than 500,000 euros.

The action by the pro-Palestinian students at ULB visibly generated significant damage inside the buildings occupied by the group, RTBF (Belgian Radio Television French) reports with supporting images. One estimate of the cost of reparation is between 500,000 and 700,000 euros. The university has announced its intention to file a complaint.

AF June 28, 2024 at 16:48. Last updated 16:50. Source RTBF

Walls covered with tags to be repainted, "broken" doors to be replaced, damaged teaching materials to be purchased, and an "upside down" auditorium: The buildings occupied by the pro-Palestinian student group of ULB from May 7 to June 25 have demonstrably suffered much damage. A colossal bill for the university, which has to pay the costs.

ULB points out that if the cause of the students, grouped under the name "People's University of Brussels" is evidently legitimate, on the other hand, nothing justified such acts of "vandalism", especially since the building in question, (which is) "unusable in its present state", had been renovated barely two years ago, RTBF states.

The rector of ULB, Annemie Schaus, has announced her intention to file a complaint. The student group has not yet reacted at this point.

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