Saturday, June 15, 2024

Germany: Afghan Goes on Stabbing Rampage: One Dead Plus the Suspect (Shot by Police)

Wolmirstedt, Germany

On Friday night in the town of Wolmirstedt, near Magdeburg, an Afghan man went on a stabbing rampage. It is reported that he first killed another Afghan at one location then proceeded to a residential area where a garden party was in progress with friends and neighbors of the residents gathered to watch a sporting event on TV. The Afghan ran into the yard and stabbed at least three people. Police arrived and when the suspect tried to attack them, they shot him. The suspect later died in the hospital. As of right now, it appears those stabbed at the house survived.

Thus, Germany, as the rest of Europe has experienced yet again, a murderous rampage by an Afghan suspect who decided it was time to start killing people. These can no longer be described as isolated incidents.

The below article from Volkstimme, a local Magdeburg newspaper, is translated by Fousesquawk.

Police shot perpetrator in Wolmirstedt

Dead and injured in Wolmirstedt: Man attacks garden party with knife

On Genossenschaftsweg in Wolmirstedt, a man stabbed guests at a private viewing party. Prior to that, the man from Afghanistan killed a countryman. The perpetrator was shot by police.

By Gudrun Billowie. Posted June 15, 2024 at 15:48

Caption:  Emergency doctor, rescue services and police arrive in force at Genossenschaftsweg (street) in Wolmirstedt.

It was supposed to be a relaxed Friday evening. A family in Wolmirstedt on Genossenschaftweg, had invited guests to a public viewing. Around 9 pm, the opening game of the Football-EM began. Suddenly, a man appeared in the yard of the single-family house and stabbed guests. That is what the residents reported. At least three persons were injured there. When the perpetrator went back onto the street, the police had already arrived. A spokesperson says: "The perpetrator attacked the officers, who used their firearms. The perpetrator was fatally wounded there."

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