Friday, June 14, 2024

G7 Summit: Old Joe Steals the Show

Headline: "Sleepy Joe" too tired. Biden skips dinner with Mattarella

-"Do you mind if I don't come to dinner?"

-"Er, the problem is I don't know who to leave you with here."

"Look, up in the sky!"

- "It's a bird!"

-"It's a plane!"

-"No, it's a clue!"

You won't see much of this in the mainstream media here at home, but President Biden's behavior in Italy during the G7 Summit has drawn a lot of attention in Italy. The below article from today's Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk. It has a video of Biden wandering off during an event.

"He gets distracted..." The video at the G7 and those new doubts on the health of Biden

The latest alarm bell on the condition of the US president: Here is the curtain call at the summit of Borgo Egnazia

By Massimo Balsamo   14 June 2024 at 15:51

There is great worry among the Democrats of the Stars and Stripes and it could not be otherwise. The reference is obviously to the state of health of Joe Biden who reverted to an incredible series of gaffes and blunders a few months from the presidential election against Donald Trump. Yesterday, during the G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia in Puglia. he created a scene that was anything but edifying. The 81-year-old and the other leaders attended a ceremony of the flags of the 7 nations and that of the European Union, dropping from the sky with soldiers of Folgore from two planes. At a certain point during the parachutists' jump, Biden became distracted and wandered away from the group.

The videos available don't leave large margins of interpretation. Following the exhibition of the parachutists, Biden moved a few meters and began to direct his appreciation to the parachutists with the thumbs-up gesture. Realizing what was happening, Giorgia Meloni approached the US president and called him back by touching his shoulders. A moment of great embarrassment added to those recorded in the past weeks. And on social media, Trump supporters went wild also considering the absence of the Democrat at the gala dinner with President Sergio Mattarella and the other world leaders.

The sequence of what happened at Borgo Egnazia went viral, but in the States, it is hard to hide a certain worry. The testimony has multiplied regarding the alleged cognitive decline of Biden to the point that it could compromise his institutional functions, especially at such a delicate phase at the international level. Dozens of Republican and Democrat legislators and collaborators have spoken to the Wall Street Journal on the president's public blunders, but also about his strange behavior in private meetings.  

Many have stressed the palpable slowness of the president or the increasingly marked tendency to follow the suggestions of assistants. "He is no longer the same person as before," (is) the fear that winds its way around the White House. An extremely complex situation just less than 5 months from the elections........



  1. Any person at Biden's age is going to show some loss of acuity. I'll be honest, I was expecting to see something concerning but perhaps exaggerated.

    But this, Fouse...seriously? There's nothing to see here! It's a 44 second clip. He's walking over to the guy on the ground. If he was walking off aimlessly to nowhere, then yes, that would be something. This is desperate.

    Come on. Be honest. If this was any conservative in the exact same situation, you'd be saying the same thing as me - and you'd be right to say it.

    It's laughable when "conservatives" go on and on about Biden's mental health. Yes, the mental health of a President is absolutely important. But it's clear that what's important to you guys is that Biden is mentally inept no matter what, and you never even take a look at what his rival is doing. (I'm guessing it's because the media you choose doesn't cover it.)

    That guy has been barely coherent for a while now, but he's slipping more and more. At his rallies, he's frequently slurring words and going off on long rambling tangents that make no sense whatsoever.

    Have you heard his recent one with the sharks and batteries? What's more concerning, Biden moving toward the wrong guy or Trump's complete break with reality?

    If you don't know it, here's the transcript. No commentary. Just a straight transcript of his speech.

    The battery bit starts at the 43:33 mark.

    Again, if we want to talk about concerns with Biden's mental health, that's a good conversation. But it's clear that mental health isn't the concern; it's just that Biden has to look bad no matter what reality is.

  2. Wow! Are you really comparing Biden's mental state in terms of cognitive decline to Trump's? Trump has his faults but his speaking is the same as it was when he was president. Yes, his speeches are rambling, but he speaks without a teleprompter and makes the same speeches as 8 years ago. Biden can't say hello without a teleprompter or notes.

    And please don't shoot the messenger here because this is my translation from a major Italian newspaper. Isn't it amazing that they see what the US mainstream media refuses to see and report on? You are parroting our mainstream media.

    Actually, the title of this post should have been, "The emperor has no clothes".

  3. PS: Not only was there the article from Il Giornale, but the cartoon above appeared in Il Tempo. In short, Biden made big news in Italy.

  4. Fouse, did you even look at the example I gave you? That's just one of many. Long and rambling is one thing. What he said is incoherent.

    How about this one?

    "I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. But they're manufactured tremendous — if you're into this — tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint — fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it's in China, Germany, it's going into the air. It's our air, their air, everything — right?"

    Does that honestly make any sense to you? Because if it does, you might need a checkup.

    So, am I comparing Trump to Biden? No. Because there is no comparison. Biden is exactly what you'd expect in a guy that old. Trump is what I would expect from a hobo yelling on a street corner with his pants down.

    "Biden can't say hello without a teleprompter or notes."

    I know that you're trying to make a humorous exaggeration, but can you give me even one example that's as absolutely nuts as the two I gave you? I'm not talking about a slip of the tongue or mixing up a name here or there. I'm talking a paragraph's worth of words that add up to nothing but deranged nonsense.

    And yes, I'm going to "shoot the messenger". Yes, some right-wing Italian newspaper reported it. (I don't even see it in the top three news sources for Italians. How do you figure this is "big news"?) But then you went and repeated it as though it's actually saying something worthwhile.

    Seriously - imagine if it was a conservative. If I saw Trump doing the exact same thing I would think that it's no big deal, even if I have dozens of other examples.

    "Isn't it amazing that they see what the US mainstream media refuses to see and report on?"

    Are you out of your damn mind? Mainstream media doesn't report on Biden's supposed mental health? I don't even consume that much mainstream media and I hear it all the time. Just because they don't report this absolute nonsense of a "story" doesn't mean that they aren't talking about it.

    Seriously, Trump is getting worse. I would post some links but you'll just go, "Derrrr, that's a biased source!" and ignore the exact quote or actual video. A frequent thing that's been happening is him absolutely going off the rails in many of his campaign speeches. He starts a sentence and then slurs incoherently (as in, it's not even actual words) quite often.

    I guess the proof will be in the debate, but I'm hearing that the right-wingers like Sean Hannity are already thinking of excuses for Trump to back out. We'll see, I suppose.

    "You know we have a world, right?" Geezus...

  5. No, I didn't look at what you sent me.

    You think Trump is incoherent? I think YOU are incoherent.

    I can assure you, Sean Hannity et al are salivating at seeing Trump debate Biden. He just wishes it wasn't so soon because he fears the voters will forget it by election day.
    Specifically, what Hannity and others are saying is they hope Trump doesn't interrupt Biden. Let him keep talking...............................

  6. "No, I didn't look at what you sent me."

    And there it is. Like I said, it's nothing but a transcript. What are you afraid of?

    "You think Trump is incoherent? I think YOU are incoherent."

    I have noticed that your reading comprehension is lacking, so that makes sense.

    Seriously, Fouse, read the quote about the wind and explain what that means.

  7. What I am afraid of is that you are a Russian bot sent to distract me rather than a real human being. As I told you before, I will pick and choose what nonsense you send me to look at. I don't have time to chase down all your rabbit holes.
