Thursday, May 9, 2024

UC Irvine: Hillel Issues Letter to Chancellor to Shut Down Encampment

Tamy Cohen, the director of Hillel in Orange County, California and  UC Irvine, has issued a public letter to UC Irvine to shut down the pro-Palestinian encampment on campus.  As Ms. Cohen points out, the encampment has been a source of anti-Semitism and intimidation for Jewish students as well as a disruption to students and professors attempting to engage in education in the space around the encampment.

I have signed the letter and I hope my readers will as well.


It pains me to have to write this message to you today, but the time has come to amplify the voices of Jewish students at UC Irvine through strong, collective action.

Vigorous debate and protest are essential hallmarks of American college campuses, but the encampment at UC Irvine has gone far beyond legitimate expression of free speech. Since October 7, Jewish students have been subjected to vile antisemitic harassment on campus by fellow students, non-students, and even some faculty members. The encampment — which is in violation of UCI’s rules and code of conduct — has emboldened the demonstrators to escalate their rhetoric and actions to unconscionable levels.

For the past 11 days, students walking to and from class near the raucous encampment are confronted with hateful slogans demanding the eradication of the Jewish state through “intifada” - or violent uprisings - and “resistance by any means necessary” as well as calls for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the state of Israel “from the river to the sea.” The loud drumming and amplified chanting makes it nearly impossible to focus on studies in nearby classrooms, especially when the hate-filled messages are directly targeting the Jewish community.

This is not a mere disruption; it is a direct threat to the safety and well-being of our community.

As the leader of OC Hillel, I call on our community to join me in supporting our students and demand that the university take decisive action. University leaders must ensure a campus climate that is hospitable to all students. Our top priority is ensuring the safety of Jewish students so that they may attend their university free of discrimination and harassment — and so that they may live rich and full Jewish lives. 

I value our partnership with the university administration, and I believe that they will do the right thing when they hear the voices of Jewish students amplified strongly by you - our Jewish parents, alumni, local community members, and allies.

Sign the Petition

To illustrate how unbearable it is, I will share this account from a student who gave me permission to share it with you. It is but one of many horrific accounts we have heard from students in recent weeks.

When I was walking to class, I saw the flag of Israel drawn on the ground with red footprints on it and the words, “Please wipe feet." That’s the flag of my nationality. My family lives there! I stopped to take a picture to document this awful scene, and a man smirked at me and said, “It’s a nice doormat right?” I’m sure he noticed the Star of David necklace I was wearing. People started to video me as they called for “intifada.” I cry every time I pass by this encampment - and I have to walk by every day to get to class. This is not how I should feel paying tuition at my university.

If you agree that this is unacceptable, please sign this petition and lift up the voices of our students today. 

If you or someone you know needs any support during this time, please reach out to any member of the OC Hillel team. We are here for you.

Holding you all tight, 
Tamy Cohen
Executive Director OC Hillel

To report incidents of antisemitism on campus, please visit

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