Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sweden: Two Muslim Schools Being Shut Down by Authorities

*Update: Here's the subtitled video referred to below. Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna for subtitling. Translation by Fousesquawk.

"Iman School-A Swedish school with a Muslim profile"

Swedish authorities are withdrawing permission for two Muslim schools, one in Stockholm and the other in Uppsala, to continue operations. Their decision is largely based on a warning from Swedish intelligence (Säpo) that the pupils are at risk of being radicalized due to the Islamist orientation of the schools.

The below article from SVT (Swedish State TV) is translated by Fousesquawk. The article contains a video that we are working on subtitling in English.

Caption: Iman School in Uppsala, located in Slavsta, is not allowed to continue its operation. Photo: Alberto Lozano/SVT

Independent Muslim schools not allowed to continue operation

Updated today at 09:00. Posted today at 06:40

Both independent Muslim schools, Framsteg (Progress) School in Stockholm and Iman School in Uppsala, cannot continue with their operations. That is the content of two rulings from the Administrative Court in Stockholm.

The Administrative Court ruled that the leadership of the respective foundation "does not fulfill the fitness requirement according to the school law and that the Framsteg School Foundation lacks the economic means to adhere to the regulations that apply for operation," the court writes in a press release.

Serious deficiencies

The deficiencies in the respective leadership are serious and of such a character and extent that the  oversight authorities have had reason to withdraw the foundation's approval as principals," says Judge Eva Furberg in a press release.

School calls for emergency meeting

SVT (Swedish State TV) Uppsala has been in contact with the school's rector, Khodor Ali. In a text message, he comments on the ruling: This is an unfair decision. The board has called for an emergency meeting to go over the decision and after that, to make a decision on the next step."

The School Inspectorate decided to withdraw the permits for both schools in May of this year. The Authority based its decision on, among other things, Säpo's (Swedish Intelligence) warning that pupils were being influenced toward an Islamist ideology and were at risk of being radicalized. 

The Administrative Court's rulings can be appealed

In the video, hear how Maged Askkar, who is in the leadership group for the Iman School in Uppsala, reacts after the School Inspectorate's earlier decision that the school must close.

Video caption: Hear Maged Ashkar at the Iman School on how he sees the risk of radicalization at the school. Photo: SVT


*Update: It appears this story actually dates back to the first week of May 2022. It is unclear why it reappeared in SVT in December. The above video also appeared in the May reportage from SVT.

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