Thursday, December 22, 2022

Netherlands: Two Syrian Brothers Arrested for Terrorism


This news is just breaking in the Netherlands. On Wednesday night, Dutch police broke into a residence and arrested two Syrian brothers, ages 20 and 22 on suspicion of terrorism. The police had to deploy some sort of flash-bang device(s) to break into the house and disorient the suspects. Some neighbors say they also heard shots in addition to the loud bangs. Information from Dutch news sources is limited at this point.

The below article from today's Telegraaf is translated by Fousesquawk.

Elite police unit arrests two Syrian brothers for suspicion of terrorism.

By Nick Bruls and Claire Van Dyke

One hour ago in Domestic

On Wednesday evening, with a great show of force, the elite police unit DSI arrested two Syrian brothers on Crostolostraat (Street) in Stein (Limburg) for suspicion of terrorism.


Heavily-armed police arrested two men in a row house (2nd from left) on Crostolo Street in Stein

-De Limburger

A police spokesperson confirmed the arrests of the men, aged between 20-22 years, and says that the investigation was focused on Limburg, but did not want to comment on the substance of the suspicions. The Special Intervention Service (DSI), the unit utilized in terror threats and arrests of armed persons, used force in the entry around ten pm. Neighbors heard four loud bangs. The police stated that measures were used to break in or to disorient the suspects. Witnesses say shots were also fired.


The arrested men are brothers in their early twenties and of Syrian origin. Neighbors say that during the operation, heavily-armed police ordered them to stay inside.

Stein Mayor Marion Leurs doesn't want to comment and calls it, "a matter for the police".

In shock

Zaam Wonen, the corporation that rents out the residence that was raided, says it is awaiting official reports from the police. "If what we hear is true, then we have a problem. Then that would be in violation of the rental agreement and (would) have consequences," says Director Karel Smitsmans, who did not want to go into detail. " We are just as surprised and shocked as the neighborhood. We have never received  alarming signals about this family."

Deep into the night, the investigators were busy with the investigation on Crostolostraat in the Stein neighborhood of Nieuwdorp. And according to neighbors, a police dog and drone have been deployed in the operation. The suspects are in custody and being questioned.

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