Friday, February 25, 2022

Qatar: What an Embarrassment for the World Cup

  Soccer stadium in Qatar "The Toilet Bowl"?

Another outrageous story out of Qatar, where a Mexican national was criminally charged for adultery after making a rape accusation against a World Cup official. She couldn't "prove" the crime, you know, because she could not produce 4 male witnesses as mandated by Islamic law. The alleged victim has fled Qatar to avoid 100 lashes and 7 years in prison. The Daily Mail (UK) has the story.

There are a lot of things outrageous about this Gulf State nation as it prepares to host the World Cup in soccer. In order to hold the Cup, Qatar has had to build several new stadiums, each more obscene than the other, using foreign labor working in 100 degree plus heat in almost slave-like conditions. Like most countries in the region, Qataris seemingly live a life of leisure while foreign workers are imported to do all the work. The selection by FIFA to hold the Cup in Qatar was accompanied by an avalanche of charges of bribery and corruption-something not new to FIFA.

Qatar is also friendly to the Muslim Brotherhood while pretending to be an ally of the West. More typical of their true feelings is the government-supported Al Jazeera news agency, the CNN of the Middle East. Like most everything else in Qatar, Al Jazeera pretends to be a mainstream international news agency. They have a large English-language department that specializes in guest op-ed writers made up largely of leftist journalists and academics from the West-including the US. Disgraceful. 

I have no taste for soccer, so I certainly won't be watching. Even if I were a soccer fan, I would stay away from this obscene circus. This promises to be a replay of the Winter Olympics in China. I would guess that if some brave reporter were to try and interview a foreign worker who helped build one of those stadiums, we would witness him being dragged away by security, much like what happened to that unfortunate Dutch reporter who was standing to close to the stadium in Beijing. And, for God's sake, Dear Press, don't bring up the subject of that Mexican woman who had to flee the country for lack of 4 male witnesses to her rape.

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